9 Quotes & Sayings By Lepota L Cosmo

Lepota L. Cosmo is a writer, entrepreneur, and business owner. She has worked with individuals and businesses for over fourteen years. Lepota is the author of the novel, “The Paradigm Shift” published by The Hay House Publishing Group Read more

Her work has also appeared in numerous publications as well as on radio and television as a life coach, speaker, and motivational coach. In 2012, Lepota launched her own business, Lepota Cosmo Life Coaching Solutions, LLC to help others achieve their goals and dreams through coaching techniques. She is also an accomplished public speaker who has been featured on many radio shows as a speaker on a variety of topics including personal development, motivation, leadership skills and how to be happy.

Tensurrealism creates actual and non-compromised reality, jamboree, fervor, fascination, poetics of an active enthusiasm, interludium, lyrical practice, active happiness. Lepota L. Cosmo
Facts produce structures, objects are lyrical realities. Lepota L. Cosmo
We sing lyrical excess, exacerbated expressionism, imponed objectivity, inventiveness, meta-baroque, extravaganza, super metaphor, sublimity, strident, exposure, super-pone, noise, super-objectivity, zillionism, fragmentation and aesthetics of facts, suractivism. Lepota L. Cosmo
Sabism is deabstraction, metacolorism, thematism, exotic, convalescent substrate, soft act, collectivism, pluralization, sensationalism, pluralart, thematic colourism, reabstraction. Lepota L. Cosmo
Sabism is thematic pallet, philosophical colourism, chromatic signature and dual art, bi-chromatic scale, soft scale, poetics of attractiveness, mythologism, actual value, logism of color, active color, logical panel. Lepota L. Cosmo
Paris isn’t a city, it’s a world. King Francois I Lepota L. Cosmo
Poetry is a wild water that flows as furious river from "spring" in the summer. Lepota L. Cosmo
I did exhibitions with the Surrealists (in Paris, in 1929) because their attitude revolted against 'art' and their attitude toward life itself was wise, as was Dada’s.’ Hans Arp Lepota L. Cosmo