6 Quotes & Sayings By Leena Ahmad Almashat

Leena Ahmad Almashat is an author, an accomplished translator, and a blogger. She has authored more than thirty books in many languages, including Arabic, English, French, German, and Persian. Her most recent book is "The Last Crusaders" which was published in December 2014.

Those who don't jump will never fly.
Those who don't jump will never fly. Leena Ahmad Almashat
A Rule: Life without Islam is a naked tree, Birds...
A Rule: Life without Islam is a naked tree, Birds without trees can never feel free. Leena Ahmad Almashat
My ideas aren't afraid of height.
My ideas aren't afraid of height. Leena Ahmad Almashat
It's never too late to create! Leena Ahmad Almashat
The last day is way shorter than counting to ten. Leena Ahmad Almashat