97 Quotes & Sayings By Laura Kreitzer

Laura Kreitzer is the author of several works of fiction and non-fiction. Her work has been featured in such publications as The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, McSweeney's, and Salon. Laura has been a contributing writer for "The Huffington Post" since 2011. She has written about such topics as the role of education in the 21st century and the power of art to transform lives.

The truth, as much as people acted like they wanted...
The truth, as much as people acted like they wanted to hear it, was sometimes too cruel and harsh. Laura Kreitzer
We both must burn this midnight oil together. You’re just...
We both must burn this midnight oil together. You’re just as new to me as I am you.” --Andrew Laura Kreitzer
There was an image in my mind–an expectation of what it would be like when I finally gave myself fully to a man. It wasn’t like this. It was always at night with candles flickering lazily, music filling the air with a sexy melody, and maybe a bubble bath. But no. It was infinitely better, and there was no froo froo, stereotypical scene that played out. It was incredible. Brilliant. Amazing. Indescribable, really. Like all the planets in the galaxy aligned for a perfect moment in time. As if this was the beginning of time. From now until the rest of eternity, everything finally had meaning. Laura Kreitzer
Death. It was something I had to think about once. Weird, right? Strange that death was ever an inevitable end, but it wasn’t anymore. Not really. I eluded it. Tricked it. It was an odd concept–the world aged, moved forward, yet I .. . didn’t. Laura Kreitzer
I’m not your boyfriend! ” I snapped, trying to gently move her hands away from my body.“ How can you say that?” Sara asked in horror.“ It’s shockingly effortless, ” I replied. “My vocal chords vibrate, and my mouth and tongue articulate. I can even do it without thinking.” I had to remind myself to stay calm, and sarcasm was the best way to do that.“ When are you going to give me a key to your house so I don’t have to knock like some guest?” Sara asked, coming at me again. I backed away. “How about never? Is never good for you?” Sara, undeterred, said, “You’re the reason I go to therapy on Fridays.”“The plot thickens! ” Gabby exclaimed for comedic relief. Laura Kreitzer
It’s complicated, ” I said in defense, hands going up...
It’s complicated, ” I said in defense, hands going up to show surrender.“ Talk slowly, ” Jenna retorted derisively.“ Okay, I deserved that, ” I admitted. Laura Kreitzer
Underwater, bubbles erupted before my eyes as a swift hand snatched my arm and pulled me to the surface. I gasped for air, coughing and gagging at the amount of water I sucked into my lungs by pure shock. What was up with me and breathing in water? I needed to grow some gills or something. Laura Kreitzer
I wish the Fallen would just come to us for a change.” Ironically, Fallen Angels dropped from the sky and surrounded us.“ I wish I had a chocolate cake! ” I exclaimed, staring up. No cake appeared, though I did get a few wry glances. Andrew’s body shook with silent laughter while Lucia gaveme raised eyebrows.“ What? It worked for the Fallen Angels. Laura Kreitzer
To have reservations is to show true leadership. To have certainty without question, to lead people to battle with no qualms, or to prosecute without hesitation are qualities of a tyrant. Laura Kreitzer
It’s okay. I’m–”“Fine?” Joseph chimed in. “Obviously not. You need to be checked out by a doctor.” “I am a doctor.” I rolled my eyes at him, but that didn’t deter him from his train of thought. “Not that kind of doctor.”“ What is ‘that kind of doctor’ going to say when they see my shimmering pink blood, Joseph?” I changed my voice to mimic one of a concerned doctor. “I’m sorry ma’am, you appear to be suffering from a mild case of Pretty Pretty Princess syndrome. Have you ingested any magical woodland faeries recently?. Laura Kreitzer
Help me out, ” I pleaded. “You’ve left me alone to deal with this situation, and now we’re being dealt the consequences.” I swore I heard Tom growl. I actually pulled the phone from my ear to stare at it to make sure it hadn’t turned into a tiny lion. Laura Kreitzer
How ya doing?” Gabby’s face came into view, and she grinned down at me. She’d stopped doing her healing thing, and the pain rushed in.“ I’m just peachy, ” I quipped, throat scratchy. “Only hurts when I breathe or blink or exist, if I’m being honest. Laura Kreitzer
I had this guy’s file pulled this morning, along with the rest of your neighbors. His name is Desperado.”Pause. A few seconds passed. He was waiting for my reaction.“ Did you say Desperado?” I couldn’t stop the snort of laughter that bubbled to the surface. “Yeah, ” the Director confirmed. “He changed his name when he turned eighteen. It was Melvin.”I was still laughing. “’Cause Desperado is so much better than Melvin. Laura Kreitzer
I tapped around on my new Miracle Phone–a gift from Joseph–as I listened to the discussion about our next move. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but I’d recently become addicted to this one game on my Miracle Phone. Really, I was listening. I could multitask like no other. Trust me, there’s an app for that. Laura Kreitzer
At the sound of her name, Lucia’s blue eyes honed in on me. She cocked her head to the side as if puzzled. “Why me?” she wondered.“ Lucia, you exploded with power after Ehno was killed.” I shot Ehno an apologetic look. “I felt your sorrow before I even knew something was wrong. It hit me like a freight train of boulders. You made the sky rain fireballs with red lightning. Need I say more?. Laura Kreitzer
Jules lips quivered, and I feared she was about to cry. Then she asked, “He bit off more than he could chew, didn’t he?” She made a motion as if she was biting into a tough piece of steak. Gabriella’s lips sealed shut as she tried to hide her grin, though she failed at it when Andrew asked, “Was he eating?” He turned desperately to Gabriella, confused. Jules wasn’t about to cry, she was trying not to laugh! She giggled then, the sound tinkling and odd in the outlandish setting. Andrew straightened and shook his head at Gabriella. “Did you see him eat? . Laura Kreitzer
Joseph, you’re out of clean towels.” Lucia poked her head into the living room, the rest of her hidden behind the wall. Her red hair dripped water onto my wooden floors.“ She’s in the buff.” Jenna guffawed. Gabriella rolled her eyes, beaming. I rose. “Go back to the bathroom. I’ll bring you a towel, ” I ordered Lucia. She disappeared down the hall.“ You have naked angels running around your house, ” Jenna continued through her laughter. Gabby laughed louder. Laura Kreitzer
Well, the only reason we’re friends is because you can rock a tweed suit, ” she informed, tone mock serious. “So if you want to keep me around, I expect more tweed. Laura Kreitzer
Shut the front door! ” Jenna exclaimed. Andrew disappeared into the foyer, and when he returned, his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. “The door is shut? Laura Kreitzer
Awe! Leaving so soon?” Gabby said sweetly, holding the door open. “I was just about to pull out the gun for you to play single-player Russian Roulette. Laura Kreitzer
The woman turns away; one wing blackens like an onyx gem while the other glows white like a bright spotlight. She flies into the sky, leaving the crowd staring in astonishment. Angels fly away in two directions. Half make a black storm of moving, twisting shapes. The other half forms a white-as-snow moving cloud. The ranks are divided. Laura Kreitzer
There’s nothing to be scared of, right Akhol?”He said nothing as he stepped toward the rushing water that rolled around a big rock and was swallowed whole by impenetrable darkness.“ Right?” Andrew repeated, his voice swallowed by the sound of rushing water. Akhol didn’t respond again. He tapped a foot above the water before he stepped in and disappeared beneath the surface in one fluid motion. Laura Kreitzer
I blinked at him just casually talking about my new sex life with his genie-shiny head, and I knew at any second I would break into hysterics. Laura Kreitzer
A part of me sought the light in all the people I knew, but with the Shadows, it was like bringing them back from a subterfuge comma. Literally tearing the veil of blackness down and showing them the luminescence of light. Laura Kreitzer
She would rather remain silent, but her voice is no longer something to fear. It’s strong. Powerful. A weapon of emotions. Laura Kreitzer
I unlocked the deadbolt and flung the door open, stepping back for Gabby to see exactly who it was. “Hello, Sara, ” I greeted. A bubble of laughter escaped Gabby before she could contain it. “Yes, hello ex-girlfriend Sara. And might I add: law-breaker? Who let you out of your cage? Don’t you know Joseph has a restraining order against you? Laura Kreitzer
It hurts, ” Summer cries, head shaking back and forth. “Please, make it stop.” Sweat beads on her forehead.“ What hurts?” Cameron asks.“ My eyes.” Summer’s eyes open. Everyone gasps. They’re no longer blue; they appear bionic, like a circuit board’s inside her eyes. Panicked now, Summer reaches for her face. “What is it? What’s wrong? Laura Kreitzer
Your hair is like butterflies, ” Sebastian said, giggling like a child.“ That’s nice, ” Firen said impatiently. “Keep moving.”“ Fantastic. I always like my days better with a touch of insanity, ” Gabriella quipped. Laura Kreitzer
Burn wounds always elicited pain more terrible than anything else he had ever endured. He didn’t relish the idea of forcing himself to suffer through such agony. But it was necessary. Earth depended on them taking possession of the key. “It’s the only way out, ” Andrew reminded him.“ I understand that, but–”“ The trials we have faced thus far have been minimal, ” Andrew said, cutting off Sebastian’s retort. “What we seek is the key to the universe. You didn’t expect it to be easy, did you?. Laura Kreitzer
Mmm.” Sebastian moaned. “It’s so delicious.” He laughed then. “It’s not the Poisonous Desert; it’s the Oreo Desert.” He scooped up handfuls of dirt and stones and funneled it into his mouth. He licked his palms, his teeth grinding against rock.“ Did the plant scramble his brains?” Firen asked, her lips twitching just a smidgen.“ The plant’s poison makes you delusional, ” Gabriella informed as Egnatious and Firen yanked Sebastian to his feet. “He’ll probably be a bit Looneyville for a while. Laura Kreitzer
What are you doing?” Egnatious asked, eyebrows furrowed as he watched Gabriella do a flip. Firen mimicked Gabriella and turned to Egnatious. “Fun times. Go with it.” She didn’t even crack a smile, though her body language said she was laughing on the inside. Instead of following their act, Egnatious simply dove for an outcrop just as it began moving away. He nearly lost his balance, but Firen caught his flailing arms.“ Are you having a seizure or something?” she jested, displaying a rare vein of humor. Egnatious sent her a queasy glare. . Laura Kreitzer
I think I found your vampire, ” Andrew said, except this time he wasn’t so amused. However, Gabriella was, her smile huge as she laughed, the sound a trill in the densely packed cold air.“ You think this is funny?” The words came out surly, but Andrew couldn’t stop his lips from twitching over her amusement.“ I thought they’d be bigger, ” she said, stifling another round of giggles. “Are you okay?”“ Just a flesh wound. Laura Kreitzer
He strained his ears, and the darkness felt heavier than before. Oppressive.“We’re hungry.” That came from behind him.“ They smell tasty, ” a voice to his left hissed.“ I don’t like this, ” Andrew said, feeling like the world around them was spinning with voices, taunting, echoing them.“ I don’t like this, ” a voice parroted. “I don’t like this. I don’t like this. I don’t like this. Laura Kreitzer
The Ferryman will transport us across the moat, ” Chris informed. “Yeah. This seems legit, ” Gabriella quipped as Chris helped her onto the boat. Andrew followed behind.“ Are you sure this isn’t a trick?” Egnatious asked. Again, uncertainty filtered into Chris’s blue eyes, but he nodded anyway. “This is the only way. Laura Kreitzer
Where are you taking me?” Andrew demanded, whirling on the Ferryman. His muscles tensed, hands curling in and out of fists.“ To my master.” The voice was ghostly, whispers of black ash and death, words cold and detached. He had an idea who that was but asked anyway: “And who is your master?” No answer came. Andrew’s insatiable rage rose up and swallowed his grief like a yawning ocean mouth, the darkest depths surging to the surface to form a mighty tidal wave. He closed the distance and seized the Ferryman’s gaunt wrist. There was no substance, no life beneath the cloak. The Ferryman slowly turned his hooded head, and Andrew found himself looking into the black hole of a self-contained night. The olfactory of decay was a punch in the face. Andrew released the Ferryman’s wrist and hastily stepped back, rocking the boat as he put distance between him and the unnatural wind spilling from the gaping orifice. Andrew shivered, the tiny hairs on his neck saluting. The cloaked head faced forward again, and the wind died away. Laura Kreitzer
An ear-splitting screech pierced the silence, followed by another, striking his ears like metal against a hollow bell. The woosh woosh of wind being displaced brought Andrew’s attention skyward, and a glacial gust of paralyzing terror raced up his spine. The creature opened its mouth, and a blazing shaft of fire bellowed from above. Andrew barely had enough time to back beneath an awning for protection. Egnatious and Sebastian dove to the side while Firen sidestepped her impending doom, raising the katana in challenge. The screeching returned, except now the howls were coming from every direction. Firen’s chest heaved. “Did you see that?” she asked, her stormy eyes glinting with rapture and daring as she held her katana out, preparing for the next attack.“ Did I see the dragon?” Sebastian asked, hysteria dangerously rising to the surface. He stood and brushed himself off. “Yes, I bloody well did see that enormous, scaly, fire-breathing dragon. . Laura Kreitzer
She draws back, yet refuses to lose skin contact. Golden light flickers across his face. He is the night, the stars. His soul shines so brightly, she could pour it into a jar, and it’d be as bright as the sun. Laura Kreitzer
Her thoughts pulsated through him, frantic, desperate, pleading for him to stay behind.“ I won’t–can’t, ” he murmured. “If you’re going, so am I.”She exhaled a laborious sigh and flung her arms around his neck; her warm breath fanned over his skin as she tightened her grip. “If you die, Andrew, I’ll track you across multiple dimensions just to say I warned you, ” she cautioned, voice tender. Laura Kreitzer
To see someone you love in so much pain–especially emotional pain that can’t be remedied–was the worst form of torture. Laura Kreitzer
Death was a leech; no matter which side of the spectrum you were on, either dead or alive, it fed. It either acquired your soul or devoured all your joyful emotions. Laura Kreitzer
Why aren’t you smiling?” Cameron asks. She picks up the Astropad and stops the video.“ Because this is the beginning, not the end. Laura Kreitzer
She waits for his reprimand or words of disapproval. He kisses her instead. Hard. Lips demanding, fingers tightening on her chin. He consumes her with this single act. Laura Kreitzer
Time keeps ticking away, unaware of the suffering each second generates. Time doesn’t care, because if it did, it would’ve reversed. Laura Kreitzer
Struggling transforms her captor into a Chinese finger trap. She’s suffocating. Sucking in air without relief. Her lungs expand. Contract. Expand. They fill with lies and broken promises. With despair and lost hope. Each inhale is empty. Invisible hands reach into her body and constrict around her windpipe. She watches her friends collapse like supernovae, their cognizance disappearing into a black hole. A black hole she’s quickly cascading into. The dark consumes, bleeds into her vision. She blinks. Catches icy blue eyes peeking out from the shadows. Laura Kreitzer
Landon drops the bloody knife and stares at Summer like he doesn’t even know her anymore. The truth is, she’ll never be the girl she was seven months ago. Too much has happened. Too much has changed.“ Why’d you do that?” Summer cries.“ To save you, ” he says. But there’s nothing left to save. Laura Kreitzer
He holds her for an eternity. Time cascades into the void of the past. She inhales his scent. Full of man and strength and yearning. And she wonders why she ever doubted their relationship. Why she let Julian’s soothing touch coax her into loving him too. Gage is everything. Gage is hers. Laura Kreitzer
Death and his scythe do not come. No sweeping black capes or ethereal escapes. There’s no pearly gate, no prisms of colors as his soul slips away. The stillness is cold steel. The silence is empty with no memory to mend it. Laura Kreitzer
She feels him scoot closer, the heat of him radiating off his chest and absorbing into her skin. His legs straddle her from behind, and he places delicate kisses along her shoulder, her back, the very center of her spine. Each time is like an electric current surging through her, soul stirring and lovely. Laura Kreitzer
Her gaze travels back to the lie twisted in a tempest of mud and blood. She witnesses the culmination of her recklessness through a curved lens. Absorbed in life uncoiling, unaware of the world beyond this ridge. His light hair, darkened by rain. His stiff shoulders, full of pain. The vision poisoned with truth. With rust-stained hues. Laura Kreitzer
I’m sorry, ” he says. No two words were ever truer. Still, she says nothing. Once a shield, now her taciturnity is brandished like a blade, carving away his sanity. She’s the flaw in the paragon of life–the reason angels choose to dive to their downfalls in fiery comets of stardust. Laura Kreitzer
Dreams deny her the freedom she truly seeks. Darkness consumes. Leg muscles burn. She runs away, even while lost in the paradise of sleep. Gravity is a crushing force bearing down on her chest, shattering wings and refusing her flight. A whisper in her mind. You don’t belong here. Laura Kreitzer
You should’ve told me, ” she repeats. “Because here’s a news flash: You might’ve wanted to shelter me, but there’s nowhere you can hide me that’ll keep me safe from what’s inside my head. Laura Kreitzer
A glacial chill rushes through Gage. He whips around just in time to see arms clutch Summer around the middle and drag her into the dark. Panic seizes him, and he takes off after her, regardless of the chaos brewing behind him. Her cry of surprise echoes all around them, drilling into his bones. Laura Kreitzer
You didn’t tell Summer about it, did you?”“ What?” Gage scoffs. “Yeah, telling your girlfriend the Angel of Death might visit her if some switch is flipped is normal pillow talk. Laura Kreitzer
Maybe the Society was right all along. From the very beginning, that’s what they called her. A time bomb. Tick, tick, tick. Laura Kreitzer
I thought it was just him, ” she says, ignoring him. “But then I found out I had the same effect, which means the Society did something to my head too.” Gage’s eyes close, horror washing over him. “You really do love him.”“ Yes. No. I don’t know.” Her cries start up again, piercing his heart. “Gage, help me.”“ I love you, ” he says, holding her closer. “That’s real. Laura Kreitzer
Just in case you’re wondering, ” Gage says, breaking the silence, “this alliance of ours doesn’t mean I like you.”“ Feeling’s mutual.” Julian tosses him a disdainful look. Laura Kreitzer
I can’t–won’t do that to him, ” Summer says sharply. “Or to myself. Besides, your feelings for me aren’t real. The Society did this to you. And if they did it to you, they probably scrambled my brain too. I can’t trust that any of this is real. Laura Kreitzer
Seconds ebb and wane. She’s not afraid of her voice anymore, but she’s not entirely sure she trusts it. She’s seen the damage caused with a single word. Right now, each one is a weapon, a conduit of war, and she won’t just throw them out there all willy-nilly. Laura Kreitzer
When I see your scars, do I want to erase them? Absolutely. But not your physical scars. The real ones, beneath the surface. The ones that compel you to stay silent or force you to cringe. Those are the scars I want to obliterate.” His finger circles the dip of a burn mark on her forearm. “This is a battle trophy and nothing to be ashamed of. Every one of your scars makes you more beautiful to me. . Laura Kreitzer
Dammit, Gage. What the hell were you thinking?”“ I wasn’t, ” he shouts. “I was upset she wanted to stay, and I lost it.” Ethan scoffs. “Yeah, you did.”“ I’m an idiot.”“ Yeah, you are.”“ Shut up. Laura Kreitzer
If this is my final moment, ” she says, “then I can die happy.”“ Is that why you’re saying all this? Because you think we’re going to die?”“ I don’t know, ” she admits.“ Dammit, Summer.” He clings to her waist, grip desperate, eyes heavy with torment. “You’re saying everything I want to hear, but I don’t know if I can trust it. Laura Kreitzer
Time is a thief. A killer. Time is killing him. Laura Kreitzer
Her mum is leaning against the wall, arms crossed, when Summer exits. “Gage left from here a few minutes ago, ” she says, tone neutral. “His hair was ruffled.” She gestures with her hand above her head. The haze Gage left Summer in vanishes. She frowns. Her mum sighs and steps forward. Smooths her daughter’s hair. “If he hurts you, ” she says in a mild tone, “I’ll kill him. Laura Kreitzer
Avery slides on his glasses and opens his eyes again. “Dammit! ” he says again with more feeling. “Why does stuff like this keep happening?”“ You say that as if it’s a bad thing, ” Rob says, smirking. Laura Kreitzer
A layer of fine powder coats his skin.“ My lungs are turning to concrete, ” Rob wheezes, hacking and spitting.“ So are my eyes. How do I always get roped into these things?” Avery coughs and pats Rob’s back in sympathy. A poof of dust billows from the contact. Laura Kreitzer
The night surrounds, breathes across her skin. They’re lost in the shadows of the moon. Laura Kreitzer
He’s focused on something–or someone–over her shoulder. The harmonious warbling of the rainforest morphs into organized disarray, as if a primitive maestro has thrown conducting to the wind and let Mother Nature take over. Birds trill a warning as the breeze rustles the plant life. Wings flutter overhead. A crescendo of stridulation changes tempo, the insects seemingly performing a sonata as the rhythm shifts yet again.“ What–who is it?” Summer asks in a strained whisper. His gaze lands on her, his brows furrowing. “The Forsaken. . Laura Kreitzer
He smiles at her before ever opening his eyes. The innocence in his face ensnares. Wraps her heart in a cocoon. They did this to him. The Society. Constructed that smile with malicious expectations. Now she must rip it off his face. Because she doesn’t deserve his love. Or Gage’s. This madness coils around her throat, darkening every inch of her soul. Laura Kreitzer
Every Forsaken in a mile radius can probably hear you. You’re just asking for trouble if you two don’t stop whipping out the measuring stick.”“ It’s his fault, ” Avery snaps, pointing at Julian.“Shut up, ya wanker.” They start in on each other again. They yell as if they both have megaphones to their mouths, standing inches apart. Each vulgar insult is more illogical than the last. . Laura Kreitzer
He holds her with the strength of a million-man army, but with all the tenderness of her heart lying naked in the palms of his hands. Laura Kreitzer
When the nurse leaves, Doctor Rose mouths, “Act like you’re in pain.” Then she mimics a painful expression in case Summer doesn’t understand. On the contrary, Summer’s an expert at interpreting body language and reading lips. It’s all thanks to her observant nature while enslaved on the Cosmos. Who else could tell that Peter’s discomfort is due to him wearing the same pair of underwear for a week straight? Ah, yes, she always knew when day six and seven approached. She watched the crew member with much amusement as he waddled, pulled wedgies, and scratched his bum relentlessly. Not that anyone else cared to know that little nugget of information. Laura Kreitzer
Why won’t you look at me?” she murmurs. He doesn’t speak, seemingly at a loss for words.“ It’s my scars.” It comes out as barely a whisper. Horror spasms across his face. “What? No, ” he says, a bit breathless. “You’re beautiful. All of you. Laura Kreitzer
Refusing to listen to him any longer, Julian backs up. “Whenever you realize working together is in Summer’s best interest, come find me, Boy Scout. Until then, I’ll just pretend you don’t exist.” Then he walks away. Gage glares at Julian’s retreating form. His hand scrapes through his hair as he fumes. A guttural roar of rage crawls up his throat, and he kicks the sand. Damn him and his stupid logic. He’s right. And Gage knows he’s right. But that doesn’t mean he has to like it. . Laura Kreitzer
We want to fight.”“ And I want J.K. Rowling to keep writing in the Potterverse, but I know that’s never going to happen, ” I said blithely. Laura Kreitzer
I suggest you leave now, or you’ll be tied down and gagged until the end of this meeting.”“ Tie us down?”“ And gag you, ” Joseph cheerfully reminded them. Laura Kreitzer
Gabby, ” Jenna cried. “It’s so horrible. I can’t believe this happened.”“ Jenna, ” I said in a soothing voice, “I’m alive and okay. No worries.” She sniffled into the phone. “No, it’s not that.” I waited a beat. “What?”“The bridesmaid dresses are all wrong! ” she wailed.“ Wait a second, ” I said. “You aren’t upset over my being dead for four days?”“ I knew you’d be fine, ” she explained, brushing off the subject. “But these dresses? I don’t know what to do. They’re the wrong color, and they’re hideous! ” She went into a hysterical fit of tears. Laura Kreitzer
So if I asked you to wear my skirt and juggle my high heels, you would?” I joked. I could only see Andrew's face in profile, but a grin overtook his earlier grim expression, and he laughed. “I draw the line at wearing women’s clothing.”“ Are you sure?” I whispered seductively, nibbling on his earlobe.“ That’s cheating, ” he said, his breath hitching. I kissed down his neck. “If all else fails, I’ll never rule out using my womanly wiles.”“ I refuse to be used as a pawn by my devious lover, ” he countered, grinning. I abruptly pulled away from him. “Ah, well, it never hurts to try. . Laura Kreitzer
What would you suggest?” one of the Italian officials asked.“ We do have a highly-advanced biological device called the Illuminator, ” Joseph chimed in Laura Kreitzer
It took me several minutes to persuade myself to watch the news. During which time I gave myself a stern talking to. That turned into me considering a local pub that would be the perfect place to drown my sorrows in a barrel of tequila, though after much introspection, I scratched the idea just to avoid needless drunken embarrassment. Then, admittedly, I contemplated pouncing Andrew for another steamy romp session. Despite its proven potency to assuage stress and tension, I decided now was not the time to indulge in explosive sexcapades. Laura Kreitzer
Firen didn’t waste any time setting up the meeting with Egnatious. The following day she was in such a rush to tell me about it that she burst into my room without knocking and found Andrew and me in an intimate and compromising position reminiscent of the game Twister. Also, I cannot confirm or deny if there was food involved. Let’s just say I toppled over in embarrassment, taking Andrew down with me in a great heap. Firen didn’t fare any better, as she nearly knocked herself out when she ran into the doorframe in an attempt to escape. We were both scarred for life, especially after Firen apologized for walking in on our “naked fun time, ” which was apparently what Joseph called it. There were some things people should never know, and that was one of them. . Laura Kreitzer
I’m not above using unsavory beings to kick the Gods’ asses, but the Phantoms are too unpredictable for my taste, ” I said. Laura Kreitzer
We need the Fallen Legion, ” I said without preamble, trying to catch my breath after running after her.“ And I need an evil-proof bubble to put Jules in, ” Firen said dryly.“ That’ll teach me to start off a conversation with a demand, ” I grumbled. Laura Kreitzer
Books in the YA genre, in particular, should use proper grammar because they're more of an example to young people than adults books are. Laura Kreitzer
The aftermath of bearing shackles is an exquisite devastation, fraught with the ravages of survival. Even though one is no longer held captive–be that from a person, a government, or one’s inner self–the scars are deeply engraved into one’s psyche, and there’s no remedy for the soul. Many have the misconception that freedom equals happiness forever and ever. That’s a wicked delusion. Laura Kreitzer
Terror builds inside him. The reality that tonight will be his last leaves a sour taste in his mouth. The Tainted will eat him, or on a more terrifying note–if that’s even possible–maybe turn him into one of them. He’d rather die. But first, he’ll take as many of those bastards out as he can. He throws his pack into the throng and jerks the blade from his belt. With a thudding heart, he slices through them. Blood arcs over him, onto him. Laura Kreitzer
Slowly, he lifts the flashlight. Her shorts are torn and frayed, her shirt ripped from chest to naval, exposing her black bra and dirty stomach. And then he raises the light so it reflects off her face, off the crimson tears streaming from the girl’s eyes. Her boney hands fly up to protect her face, and her head tilts sharply as she hisses. Laura Kreitzer
Summer turns and marches away, fed up with being handled like a child. Like she’s a glass doll that might break at any minute. She hasn’t been a child since the day she was whipped into muteness. Anxiety might strangle her sometimes, but she’s not some baby needing to be coddled. Laura Kreitzer
If you decide to war with us, you will fail and suffer an eternity of misery, ” he informed, his tone steady and cold. “Is that explicit enough?”“ Oh, don’t be so dramatic, ” I said cheerfully, getting in touch with my inner smartass. Laura Kreitzer
If this is where you ask me to run around in my birthday suit, I’m not entirely comfortable with that, ” I said, smirking. Laura Kreitzer
A growing heat, like a million blazing suns all focused on me, lit my insides. It felt like I was being cooked in the Gabriella Roast Cooker, me spinning around-and-around to heat my flesh evenly. For some reason I was having trouble comprehending the sudden change in my revolving world as I swelled with a horrible, billowing fire. Laura Kreitzer
Gage is waiting on the makeshift bed when she enters the room she’s been sleeping in. The small lantern in the corner barely lights his features. His shoulders are hunched, his hands clasped together before him, and when he looks up, his face is downcast. There are a number of reasons why he would look this way, but the worst possible thing comes to mind first. Someone is dead. Laura Kreitzer
As he plods behind Cameron and Summer, he can’t help but stare at Summer’s exposed, glistening skin. His thoughts aren’t depraved or even mildly in the splasher. In fact, he focuses on the marks of cruelty crisscrossing her back, stomach, and shoulders. He trudges along, drenched, feet swollen, constantly searching for even a hint of a breeze, all while being forced to stare at the alarming network of burns traversing Summer’s delicate skin. This latticework of hate reveals a brutal truth–one he can scarcely comprehend. Yes, he’s glimpsed and felt her scars before, but this is the first time he’s really, truly seen the severity and extent of her life as a slave. With each step, he must digest the monstrosities of her past, leaving him utterly devastated. . Laura Kreitzer
The forecast for tonight is alcohol, low standards, and poor decisions. Laura Kreitzer
What’s with savage humans always wanting to cannibalize us?” Jaden asks as she runs past Summer to check for any more of the Tainted around the corner.“ They want to suck your blood, ” Rob says in a Romanian accent. Jaden snorts. Too bad humor won’t help them out of this mess. Laura Kreitzer
Oh yes. You’ve done a marvelous job of succeeding at failure. Laura Kreitzer