21 Quotes & Sayings By La Casey

L.A. Casey is a children's author, blogger, and an online digital marketing consultant. She has written five children's books and blogs about parenting at Mommy's Vibe and at The Adventures of L.A. Casey Read more

L.A. is the founder of The Parent Initiated Marketing (PIM) Podcast and you can keep up with her latest Facebook updates, fun finds and freebies at http://www.lacasey.com

I can’t imagine how hard it is to let someone be your shoulder to lie on, when all you’ve known is being the strong one.” Alec reached over and took my hand in his.“ You’ve always been strong for Bee, then for each of us when our individual bullshit came back to bite us in the ass. You’re incredible, Bran, and we don’t mean to pester you, we just want to show you that we’re here for you like you’re always there for us. L.A. Casey
Roses are read, violets are blue; I'm using my hand, but I'm thinking of you. L.A. Casey
I looked to the sitting room then and gaped at Alec's body lying across my sofa making it look smaller than it was. He was reading something. A book." What are you readin'?" I curiously asked." That porn book we were talking about earlier at my house. This dude is my God! He just fucked this Ana chick while she was on her period."" Stop it! " I screeched. "Stop readin' and put the bloody book down! " He was reading Fifty Shades of Grey.I was both horrified and mortified. Alec got up from the sofa, placed the book on the coffee table and turned in my direction." Why are you blushing?" Him noticing my embarrassment only caused my already red cheeks to heat up even more." Oh damn, your cheeks are so flushed, " Alec said and took a step towards me. L.A. Casey
I like my money, and if you mess with it, I fuck with you." I raised my eyebrow. "You want to fuck with Alec?""What? No, that's not what I meant."" But you said you-"" I know what I said you smartass, L.A. Casey
I felt Alec's glare so I turned to look at him and smiled when I found him all but drilling holes into me with his eyes." If looks could kill, I'd be dead, " I joked." My pretty eyes won't harm you, don't worry." Conceited much?" Did you just call your own eyes pretty?" Alec devilishly grinned then and it made me slightly uneasy." No, you said I have pretty eyes." Was he high?" Are you in your right mind? I have never said you have pretty eyes-"" Yes, you have. Right before you fell asleep. You said I have pretty eyes." I felt my face heat up. It was the shite he gave me to knock me out that said that, not me! " Did I say anythin' else?" I murmured. Alec leaned in close to me and whispered is a slow, seductive voice, "You said you like my voice, my abs, and my ass." I audibly gasped. "I did not! " Alec snickered. "You did." I was mortified, absolutely mortified! " I hate you right now. . L.A. Casey
I do what the voices in my underwear tell me to do." Wait, what?" You mean the voices in your head?" Alec smirked. "Yeah, the voices in my head." I furrowed my eyebrows together and stared at him. Why was he smirking at me? He was confusing me. Wait. Voices in his underwear. In his head. The head in his underwear. I gasped. "You dirty bastard! L.A. Casey
Ow! " Aideen suddenly hollered which earned a bark from my bedroom." Go back asleep you fat shite! " Aideen shouted when I swiped the antiseptic wipe over a small cut above her eye. I hissed at her, "Leave him alone, he isn't fat. He just has a thick coat! " Aideen laughed through her hissing. "Yeah, a thick coat of blubber." I gave her a firm look. "Don't slag me baby when I'm cleanin' you up. Me finger might slip and jam into your eye. L.A. Casey
I can walk... see." I made my legs walk." What are you doing?"" Vertical walkin'." Alec laughed. "Pitch Perfect?""Amazin' film. L.A. Casey
God promised men that obedient women would be found on all corners of the Earth. I've been all over the Earth, and I call bullshit on that! " Alec snapped as he glared directly at me. I snorted. "I hate to burst your bubble, but God also made the Earth round, he's got jokes. L.A. Casey
I rolled my eyes. "Just go get your tattoo before I change me mind, you dirty fuck." Alec waggled his eyebrows. "I'd give you a dirty fuck, kitten. L.A. Casey
Oh, so your middle finger has a mind of its own then?" Alex asked with an amused look. I glared at him and said, "Yeah, and she was just sticking up for me L.A. Casey
I pulled back and stared up into his eyes. "You're gettin' very deep on me." Alec's hands gripped my behind. "I'll be getting very deep in you if you keep looking at me like that L.A. Casey
You convinced me that you're a good kisser, that doesn't mean you like me." "I'm here pretending to be your boyfriend with the possibility of getting zero benefits from you. Trust me kitten, I like you. I like you a whole lottle, remember? L.A. Casey
I have my moments, ” he mused.“ They’re few and far between, ” Icountered, grinning L.A. Casey
Bronagh when she entered the room. She placed her hands on her hips and sighed, deeply. “I’m so fat.” She frowned. “It 58/668took me a whole sixty seconds to get meself off the toilet.” I snickered while Dominic tilted his head to the side.“ Fat?” he questioned. “And here Ithought you were pregnant. Man, you had me fooled.” Bronagh gave him the finger. “Bite me, Fuckface. You did this to me. L.A. Casey
Somethin’ about the lad draws her to ‘im, just like somethin’ about her draws ‘im to ‘er. You understand?”“ No, not at all.” Ryder exhaled. “You say the word ‘him’ and ‘her’ so messed up, do you know that? The letter H is just completely disregarded. L.A. Casey
You got all that from how they are looking at each other?” Ryder questioned. I glanced at him. “You didn’t get that from how they’re lookin’ at each other?” He rubbed his temples. “This is a woman thing.”“ A woman thing?”“ Yeah, ” Ryder said. “You all have a sixth sense about shit like this so I’m just rolling with it.” I snorted. “That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all day. L.A. Casey
I heard Dominic practice Bronagh’s breathing tactics, and I wondered if I’d be taking care of him in the delivery ward as well as her.“ I feel like I’m about to pass out.” Yep, I’m definitely going to be looking after him.“ Keep breathing, you’ll be fine, ” I assured him. “Where’s me sister?”“ Why’re you telling Dominic to breathe?’ Ryder murmured.“ He’s freakin’ out, ” I whispered in response making him snicker. L.A. Casey
You’re crazy.”“ No one sane is this awesome, ” he said as he pointed a finger at himself L.A. Casey
I want a new liver to replace my heart."" Um, why?"" Because then I could drink more and care less. L.A. Casey