2 Quotes & Sayings By Kenneth G Wilson

Kenneth G. Wilson (1923-2013) was a distinguished historian of American religion and culture — especially the religious experience — and a pioneer in the study of the twentieth century religious revival. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University and was a professor at Emory University, New York University and the Graduate Theological Union (UC Berkeley). Wilson is best known for his ground-breaking work, "A New Religious America: How a 'Christian Country' Has Become the World's Most Religiously Divided Nation" (Oxford University Press, 2009), which has been discussed widely in reviews and reviews on Amazon.com as well as by such leading national media as the Washington Post, the Economist, USA Today — and on public television's Book TV Read more

Wilson also published numerous studies on American religious history, including "God's Battalions: The Religious Heritage of the U.S. Armed Forces" (University of Virginia Press), which has been praised across the spectrum of American religious publishing by Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Mormon, Unitarian, Ethical Culture Society, Humanist, Pentecostal and evangelical leaders alike. Wilson was also recognized for his unique perspective on American religion by being invited to speak at commencement addresses across American higher education at Emory University (June 2009) and UC Berkeley (May 2010). Professor Wilson also received honorary degrees from Emory University (honorary doctorate), Rockford College (honorary doctorate), UC Berkeley (honorary doctorate) and Emory Law School (honorary doctorate).