111 Quotes & Sayings By Kenneth Eade

Kenneth Eade is a motivational speaker and author. A certified life coach, he specializes in helping people achieve their dreams. He is the author of several books including the New York Times bestseller Love Yourself First, Achieving Your Full Potential Through Positive Affirmations, and Peak Performance: A Guidebook to the Top of Your Game.

Responsibility comes with every relationship.
Responsibility comes with every relationship. Kenneth Eade
War is hot, not cold.
War is hot, not cold. Kenneth Eade
We had won the war, but when the insurgency reared...
We had won the war, but when the insurgency reared its ugly head, we lost everything we had gained. Kenneth Eade
War is the most profitable business on earth
War is the most profitable business on earth Kenneth Eade
Patrick Henry said ‘give me liberty or give me death.’ I think his famous quote makes it crystal clear that the Constitutional framework of this country values liberty as an essential element of life, worth dying for. If something is worth such a sacrifice, how can the loss of it be justified for the argument that it will make us safer to give up our liberty and our civil rights? Are we to tell the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers of all the soldiers lost in foreign wars that it was all a big lie? That they died for nothing? . Kenneth Eade
Our democracy depends on an informed citizenry to survive, Your Honor. Besides the advancement of truth, science and morality in general, the freedom of the press is a backbone of democracy. It exists to keep the government transparent, and the human instruments of government honest. Kenneth Eade
In the intelligence community, a rumor was almost as good as a confirmation. Kenneth Eade
The CIA’s offices in London were no secret to the MI6. In fact, the two agencies were practically kissing cousins. Kenneth Eade
Such was the hidden power of nature, capable of producing extreme beauty and cruelty at the same time. Kenneth Eade
It’s not going to be easy, but it’s kind of like ripping off a band-aid. Painful for a minute, but it has to be done. Kenneth Eade
Once you deposit that money in your checking account, it becomes the bank’s money and you’re just another one of their creditors. Kenneth Eade
To the heads of the new Islamic State, their God was money and power on earth. Kenneth Eade
The power to kill does not come without responsibility Kenneth Eade
Their lips met with a tender and powerful force. At that point, they melted into each other and Seth felt a flush of sensations over his entire being. Hands wandered naturally, and each caress became more exciting and pleasurable. Where the body ended and the soul began was a mystery in this ancient game of combinations. Kenneth Eade
Destiny deals you your hand and what you do with the cards is up to you. Kenneth Eade
You always have a choice. Destiny deals you your hand and what you do with the cards is up to you Kenneth Eade
Walking’s a great way to create. The ideas seem to fall from the sky sometimes, and the fresh air is great too. Kenneth Eade
What they actually did matters more than what they said Kenneth Eade
Unless we do something and do it quickly, we may be going back to an economic stone age. Kenneth Eade
When it came to life or death, or anything else important, the only one you could count on was yourself. Kenneth Eade
There are two kinds of people we meet in our lives who make a difference: those who remain in our lives and those we only meet once. Each kind has a different type of impact, but both are important. Kenneth Eade
There is no room for emotion in business. Kenneth Eade
Everyone wanted to get to someplace better, wherever that was. Kenneth Eade
If the human brain is really capable of having 60, 000 to 80, 000 thoughts per day, Brent was living proof, because he never stopped thinking. Kenneth Eade
I think most of what the majority of people say is said without thinking. Kenneth Eade
Look innocent. Have hope.” “Okay.” “And remember…” “What?” “Even O.J. Simpson was acquitted. Kenneth Eade
Brent never trusted anyone who couldn’t look him in the eye. It was a sign of dishonesty. Kenneth Eade
The truth can’t hide, Colonel. Sooner or later it will rise to the top, like oil in water. Kenneth Eade
Human nature being what it was, the only time you could really be sure you weren’t being lied to was when you were talking to yourself. Kenneth Eade
Silence is never an admission. We learn that in law school. Kenneth Eade
Fairness is a term that is interpreted different ways. For the government, fair is whatever suits their needs. Kenneth Eade
Are you telling me that now the government is going after attorneys? They’re going to put every attorney for everyone they think is a bad guy in jail? Kenneth Eade
The government wields a heavy hand, which is often used in an underhanded way. Kenneth Eade
We need to show the Congress that our Government is no longer on sale to the highest bidder. It belongs to the voters. Kenneth Eade
The Government goes after the little guys, not their own. Kenneth Eade
Brent had a love-hate relationship with the Government. He hated what it had become over the years and loved to make an issue about it. Kenneth Eade
On a basic level, he had seen first-hand how his government used the element of fear to accomplish its objectives; the same element of fear that had been used as an excuse to engage its huge war machine in conflicts for the profits of America’s oligarchy. Kenneth Eade
Well, banks are the biggest mafia, you know, except for the government of course. Kenneth Eade
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, intact for over 200 years, guaranteed that the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath of affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. After September 11th, 2001, those were just words on an old piece of paper, no longer a restriction of the Government’s overreaching power to shake down its subjects. Kenneth Eade
The Bill of Rights wasn’t enacted to give us any rights. It was enacted so the Government could not take away from us any rights that we already had. Kenneth Eade
Most people, faced with two difficult choices, prefer not to choose at all. Kenneth Eade
Don’t you know that everything you do in life has consequences? Kenneth Eade
Some of the most likeable people on the outside are capable of truly heinous things. Kenneth Eade
Emotions are reserved for juries and, in that case, a good lawyer can really lay them on when the time is right, better than the best Academy Award winning actor Kenneth Eade
The Samurai lived by a code of honor, not unlike the code that you live by. It’s called the Bushido. It was never written down; was always something the Samurai knew, and it was handed down from one warrior to another. One of the tenets of the code is about justice. Not the pounding of a gavel on the bench of some judge who’s been appointed to pass judgment on people by some politician. No, malaka, this concept of justice is what you feel in your bones: to die when it is right and to strike when it is right. Kenneth Eade
Everything in life has a yin and yang — an interconnected, complementary and opposite force. Just as we need the light to distinguish it from the dark, we recognize injustice in the world demands justice to provide a balance. Kenneth Eade
I’ll take what’s behind door number three did not work too well in the modern justice system, which was all system and no justice. Kenneth Eade
Fair has nothing to do with it. This is the law — it has nothing to do with justice. Kenneth Eade
He knew that justice was rarely dispensed within the four walls of the courtroom. Kenneth Eade
Fair is irrelevant. This is the law — it has nothing to do with justice. Kenneth Eade
The law is logical and is based on common sense. The trick was to argue the law in favor of your particular point of view without sounding biased. It was kind of like a magic trick: the best illusionist being the one who can best manipulate the logic to his or her advantage, all the while giving the illusion of impartiality. Kenneth Eade
He was right, and the pursuit of justice was also a game, where one man or woman employed by the Government, or sometimes twelve men and women, decided the fate of another. Whether or not that decision was just depended on your point of view. The winner usually thought it was a just result: The loser bore the consequences. Kenneth Eade
Home was truly the best place he could possibly be, but, alas, was not an available option. Kenneth Eade
Home was wherever they were together, and it felt good. Kenneth Eade
Laura Ingalls Wilder said, “Home is the nicest place there is. Kenneth Eade
As usual, there was a story behind the story, and that is where the truth was hidden. Kenneth Eade
The old adage that ‘there are two sides to every story’ is not true. There is a story for every storyteller. Kenneth Eade
Time meant opportunity. After all, what more do we have than time? We measure it arbitrarily, but as we spend it, until it’s used up, it is called living. Kenneth Eade
Unfortunately, it doesn’t ever really matter what the truth is. Only what they think it is. Kenneth Eade
Unfortunately, violence has a way of overpowering even the strongest of wills Kenneth Eade
The law works in mysterious ways Kenneth Eade
It’s the law, Jack. When the government breaks the law, they have to toe the line. Kenneth Eade
Sometimes, how a person answers a question is more important than what they actually say. Kenneth Eade
The jury system was somewhat of an anomaly, like everything else in the law. Kenneth Eade
It was ridiculous to think that twelve people could “turn off’ all their biases and prejudices and make a logical decision based on the evidence they were allowed to hear in the trial. Kenneth Eade
The rules of war for federal court were contained in the 86 rules of federal civil procedure, the rules of the local federal court, and the courtroom rules of the particular federal judge. Kenneth Eade
Nothing is easy, ” and, with respect to legal work, that was absolutely true. Kenneth Eade
Society tends to stick labels on everything and everyone. The label that is given to you will stick with you for a lifetime. Kenneth Eade
Genetic engineering was messy. To force a sequence of foreign DNA into a plant, you couldn’t just snip the desired gene from the bacteria and sew it on to the plant’s DNA sequence like an old woman working on a quilt. Kenneth Eade
Sometimes one man must fight for what he feels is right, even against the majority. Something that is wrong does not change to right just because the majority approves it, ignores it, or the government says it is right. It is still wrong. Kenneth Eade
, I believe in some type of free market system. I just don’t think you’ll find an example of one completely free from government intervention. Kenneth Eade
Man is the only predator who hunts his own. Kenneth Eade
I guess that makes everyone in boots on the ground a murderer Kenneth Eade
From anonymous bullying to anonymous murder for hire, the Internet had something for every sick taste. Kenneth Eade
Even though the Judge would charge the jury that they should listen to all the evidence before they made up their minds, the chances were likely that 100% of them will have already decided if William was guilty or not before the trial was over. Kenneth Eade
He didn’t see a man with hopes and dreams, with disappointments and accomplishments. All he saw in front of him was just another nigger. Kenneth Eade
How one tragedy affects so many others. Kenneth Eade
We forget that we humans are animals, inextricably connected to the world and everything in it. In the rush to bring GMO food to the world because it was good for us, nobody had asked the question whether it would be good for the world. Kenneth Eade
There’s never a right or wrong side in a divorce case, but, given the human capacity for hate, the breakup of a legal relationship so tied to emotion often brought out the worst in people. Kenneth Eade
Now you can start paying for it with money instead of blood. Kenneth Eade
Short of a death in the family, a divorce is perhaps the most life-altering experience in human relationships. Kenneth Eade
No pressure, Jack. All we need is a miracle. Kenneth Eade
Other people imagined demons and monsters under the bed. Robert had actually seen them. Kenneth Eade
The financial elite already have the politicians in their pockets, as a result of their lobbying. Kenneth Eade
Almost everyone in politics nowadays has at least one conflict of interest. Kenneth Eade
This was life on the surface of the sea. A calm, placid exterior that could soothe you into submission or swell up and kill you with no notice; beneath it always a dangerous world of life and death. Kenneth Eade
He didn’t have regular email like everyone else. He couldn’t afford that digital fingerprint that the NSA, the CIA, the FBI and all the other espionage alphabeticals counted on for their privacy-bashing surveillance of the entire formerly free world. Kenneth Eade
It was as impersonal as the Internet itself, the object responsible for connecting you to long lost people in your life, and many new ones, none of whom you will ever see. Kenneth Eade
Sometimes you can get more answers by not asking any questions. Kenneth Eade
He could see that drinking and conversation were inexorably intertwined and that one did not occur without the other. Kenneth Eade
ISIS was not particular about how their soldiers made it to Jannah, so long as they inflicted maximum damage.. Kenneth Eade
Terrorism was like heroin — once a lonely, desperate soul was hooked on it, he or she became a fanatic — radicalized they call it — ready to die for a paradise in heaven that didn’t exist by helping to rain down a hell on earth for all who didn’t believe in it. Kenneth Eade
When the law fails to serve us, we must serve as the law. Kenneth Eade
He wasn’t dealing with underage girls or porn, just spreading the word of jihad to young, impressionable people, which, unfortunately, was not a crime. Kenneth Eade
How could you have a war on terrorism when war is terrorism? Kenneth Eade
A Libertarian’s just a Democrat whose vote doesn’t count. Same thing. Kenneth Eade
But, in making the sacrifices that the Government asks us to make, we are not protecting our freedom. We are giving away our freedom in exchange for a false sense of security. Kenneth Eade
The trouble with making an important decision was that you never had enough information to do it without hesitating. And it’s the hesitation that gnawed at you and never helped you to make the decision. Kenneth Eade
The test of any relationship is, when the going gets tough, whether your partner stays with you or 'gets going'. Kenneth Eade
That’s the ironic thing about time, Doc. One the one hand, we don’t have much of it for this, but it’s all I have in here. Kenneth Eade