6 Quotes & Sayings By Kai Meyer

Kai Meyer grew up in the suburbs of a small town just outside of Vienna, Austria. He began writing his first book, "The Story of a New York Minute," at the age of ten. After receiving his masters degree from the American University in Washington D.C., he moved back to Vienna to work as a technical consultant for a large international oil company. In the spring of 2003, Kai Meyer received an invitation from his friend and mentor, Alex Aylward, to write a book called "The Story of a New York Minute." This book was then typed up by Kai on his laptop computer and sent to his friend for publishing Read more

The first edition was published at a cost of $8.99 and has since been selling more than one thousand copies a month. A new edition is being released on April 24th, 2010 with some minor changes from the original version.

Wahrscheinlich werde ich jede Nacht von dir träumen", sagte er. "Und wenn ich aufwache, weiß ich, dass der beste Teil des Tages schon vorbei ist."" Das hast du irgendwo gelesen."" Hab ich nicht. Kai Meyer
This showed once again that everyone had something different to lose in this battle. Some were concerned for their lives, and some for those they cared most about: rays, sea horses, even the chickens that ran free in the streets of the city because they couldn't all be caught in time. Kai Meyer
Jolly felt salty tears on her lips, and for the first time in her life it occurred to her that sorrow tasted exactly like the sea. Kai Meyer
If we were scars, our memories would be the stitches holding us together. You couldn't cut them apart, and if you did, it would tear you in two."" But my memories hurt, " she said. "I want to forget. There's so much I just want to forget."" How are you going to do that ? Everything that's happened to you is still happening today. Once something has begun, it doesn't end. There, in your head, it never ends. Kai Meyer
Merle had the feeling that he almost kissed her, but then his lips only touched her hair briefly, and all she could think of was that she hadn't washed it for days. It was crazy, really. Here they were, all trapped in this accursed sphinx stronghold, and she was thinking about washing her hair! Was that what being in love did to you? And then, was it being in love that was responsible for the lump in her throat and the fluttering in her stomach? . Kai Meyer