5 Quotes & Sayings By Justin Bog

Justin Bog's book, "The Money Machine", was the winner of the 2015 CBA Book Award for Best Self-Help Book. He is a serial entrepreneur and an international bestselling author, with over 67 million copies sold writing books that are used by tens of thousands of people around the world. His books have sold in excess of 100 million copies worldwide.

With more time spent in their mother's presence, Maggie kept topics of conversation to small stuff, seldom ever wanted to dig below the surface, learned from her mother: just be polite, which makes Callie's own facile mental questioning and creative drive, paired with her physical rigidity, all the more oppositional, and, how they dance around serious subjects, laughable. Justin Bog
I don't correct her to let her know her backdoor wisdom yanks me deep into another country, where water runs uphill. Justin Bog
The woman with the cat complex is named Mrs. Alice Plesher, but she doesn't reveal her first name to him and Sai only finds out by accident, later. Mrs. Plesher calls the paper and is put through to Sai. He has no idea why although he could guess the new guy gets all of the reporter-on-the-beat drudgery assignments until proven worthy. Alice speaks haltingly as if hardened by age and her voice reveals a rasp. Sai pictures her in a long house dress from the fifties, wide pink and white stripes fading with age---a smock of beige over the dress, a multitude of cats clinging to the fabric like stick-ons. . Justin Bog
Now, a month later, I sit, foggy, a similar state of mind, in a different seafood restaurant with a locals-know-every-secret bar, two happy hour martinis downed, fidgeting with my napkin below the lip of the table, and I barely hear Wendy ask me another question. She brought a bag of them tonight. Justin Bog