5 Quotes & Sayings By Jimvirle/Jinvirle

Along with her husband and two children, she has written and published over 100 books in various writing genres. You can contact her at: [email protected]

God cannot resist the man who desires Him ardently. The chief reason why we do not find God is we do not desire Him ardently enough. Like air, the day you desire God as desperately as you desired to breathe, you will surely find Him. Jimvirle/Jinvirle
One does not simply code without developing antisocial behavior and...
One does not simply code without developing antisocial behavior and caffeine addiction. Jimvirle/Jinvirle
Love is not blind, lovers can see what others cannot...
Love is not blind, lovers can see what others cannot see. Jimvirle/Jinvirle
As rice grows riper, the lower it bows its head. Never lose your humility while you grow. Jimvirle/Jinvirle