5 Quotes & Sayings By Jason Gay

Jason Gay is a New York Times bestselling author. He writes the column "Thinking about God" for the Wall Street Journal and is also the author of several books, including his latest, Religion for Atheists: A Nonbeliever's Guide to the Uses of Religion. Gay was born in Seattle, but grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. He graduated from Swarthmore College in 1995 with a degree in English literature Read more

He lives in Sacramento, California with his wife and two children.

Friendship humanizes.
Friendship humanizes. Jason Gay
If you go to somebody's house for a barbecue, it is only a matter of time before a guest has six beers and begins to inveigh loudly about how the institution of marriage is a sham, how it's a violation of nature's will, how monogamy is an outmoded expectation that might have made sense for power-consolidating families in AD 600 but makes little sense now, when there's you know, high school flames you can look up on Facebook. This well-versed marriage critic will then burp loudly and fall asleep in a lawn chair for the rest of the night, which says all you need to know about his marriage. Jason Gay
I mostly felt fortunate, to have lived here, in this house, in this town, with this family and these parents, and tried to think of all the things that had influenced me along the way. Jason Gay
In theory, the Internet provides an opportunity to widen knowledge-to see beyond screens and neighborhoods into a broader universe-and yet the first thing many people want to do is wall themselves off and broadcast how narrow-minded they are. It seems to absolutely miss the point of the experience. Jason Gay