2 Quotes & Sayings By Herman Hoeksema

Herman Hoeksema was born in 1894 in the Netherlands and died June 28, 1973, in Rotterdam. He pursued his medical education at Utrecht University, where he was working as a physician when the Second World War broke out. He was drafted into the army and sent to Germany for medical service. Before he could return to Holland, however, he had to flee the advancing Allied armies and took refuge in the United States Read more

There he received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania and continued his work as a physician in New York City. In 1946, after the war, he returned to the Netherlands. He served as a General Practitioner until his retirement in 1963.

His work on psychosomatic medicine and psychosocial medicine resulted in the publication of numerous articles and books on these subjects. He is best known for his work "Mental Hygiene."