13 Quotes & Sayings By Henry Hon

Henry Hon is a Chinese-American author and the CEO of the Henry Hon Foundation, a non-profit organization established in 1997 to promote and publish his works. He received his Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and taught at Cornell University, Harvard University and The University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a professor at Harvard University and MIT Sloan School of Management Read more

He has published more than 100 articles and four books including: The Power of Limits and the Power of Limits: An Autobiography (co-authored with Terence Tao) which were both recognized as finalists for the 2008 Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award; The Greatest Trade Ever: Inside the meteoric rise, equally meteoric fall, and phenomenal rebirth of Asia's Largest Hedge Fund (co-authored with David S. Woo); "Why Should We Be Afraid to Die?" (co-authored with Eugene B. Skyrms) which was recognized as one of the Top Ten Best Books on Philosophy by the New York Public Library; "How to Beat The Market: Lessons from Biology and Behavioral Finance" co-authored with Joel Greenblatt; "The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt" (co-authored with Michael J.


It is so easy and effortless for Christians to just...
It is so easy and effortless for Christians to just join a church and follow its leadership and practices without seeking the Lord for personal discernment. Henry Hon
Without the persistent rising up of individuals that seek the Lord and place themselves under His direct leadership, churches will inevitably...slip into human hierarchy, institutionalizing a system of doctrines and practices. Henry Hon
Though the Reformation originated with the Lord's fresh move through various reformers, in a rather short time the resulting churches became institutionalized with a mixture of politics, human organization, and hierarchy. Henry Hon
Believers should be open to and encourage the Spirit's moving within each one, including the spontaneity from individual initiatives when gathered together. Believers need to be vigilant to prevent formality of liturgy where the Spirit is stifled, and individual initiatives are not allowed. Henry Hon
Believers can search the Scriptures on their own, and allow...
Believers can search the Scriptures on their own, and allow the Word of God, coinciding with the Holy Spirit, to enlighten their understanding, and open their spiritual eyes. Henry Hon
All believers need to become teachers, shepherds, ministers, and good-news-bearers.
All believers need to become teachers, shepherds, ministers, and good-news-bearers. Henry Hon
In Acts, every believer was living in a direct relationship...
In Acts, every believer was living in a direct relationship with Him (Christ) and each one functioned normally as a member of His body in oneness with all believers. Henry Hon
Try going out of your comfort zone and doing something for someone else. Henry Hon
Every believer is called to teach and each needs to exercise toward this function. Otherwise, they will remain a babe and never mature. Sharing what the believer has learned should begin as soon as a person comes to know the Lord. Henry Hon
When a person denies his conscience for too long, it can become seared. That person becomes susceptible to receiving and accepting all sorts of harmful and evil things. This is true for both believers and unbelievers. A seared conscience will open a person up to demonic spirits and activities. Henry Hon
Where everyone is accepted equally as a brother or sister in Christ, and where there is an open forum without a set program and format, believers will be in an environment where their gifts will develop and manifest naturally. Henry Hon
Believers who come to know the Scripture in a living way, in both knowledge and Spirit, can in turn, use this Word to minister to people around them. Henry Hon