22 Quotes & Sayings By Hal Duncan

Hal Duncan is an American novelist and short story writer. He has written several novels, as well as writing stories for the comic book series "The Adventures of Luther Arkwright" (2000–2003). Duncan is known for his use of unreliable narrators and unreliable time periods.

Losing maturity in one’s fiction for the sake of marvels and monsters can also mean losing propriety, and that’s not always a bad thing. Hal Duncan
I likes me some ‘Shit Blows Up’ fiction, don’t get me wrong. Hal Duncan
See, you have the choice we didn’t. You wanna think about it though, you do, before you decide to throw your lot in with us. Cause it’s not just about living in society’s stitches, you know, the bits in between, the squats and secret places. It’s about being Fixed. Hal Duncan
Destiny can sometimes be history coming back to bite you in the arse. Hal Duncan
So, fuck ’em, we say. Fuck the mundane of Mainstream, the elitists of Literature. We’re GENRE FICTION and proud of it, proud to wear that brand painted on the backs of our biker’s jackets. Hal Duncan
—It’s not Sci-Fi, we insist, It’s SF.Every time you say that a Venusian Slime Boy dies, you know. Hal Duncan
The crescent sun is high, the moon low; life is not for the faint-hearted; so why the fuck should art be? Hal Duncan
This is the fiction that I’m referring to as rhapsody, this stitching of mimetic representation, oneiric imagery, ludic rules, allegoric morals, satiric critique and diegetic story into complex quiltings of narrative. Hal Duncan
— No SF novel ever won the Booker, growls a prowling clansman on his way into the SF Café.The librarian swings a shotgun from inside her longcoat, blasts the bullshit axiom from the air. Screw the Booker, she thinks. She’d rather have a hookah. Hal Duncan
Fuck the epistemic modality; this is alethic modality we’re talking now, not factuality but possibility. Hal Duncan
Soylent Brown? It ain’t people, but it comes from them. Hal Duncan
The spelunkers of speculative fiction mining phosphorescent filth from the bowels of the city of New Sodom, the Sci-Fi freaks scraping kipple and back from the bins of decades-old shit sandwiches out back, composting it to grow shrooms, we have built this thing to take its Hal Duncan
In the ghetto of Genre, anything goes, man. When you live in the gutter it doesn’t matter if you’re filthy. In theory anyway. Hal Duncan
All worlds of fiction are alternative realities. Hal Duncan
Personally, I’d like to see the word genre taken out back and shot, a bullet in the back of its head, if it’s going to be so overloaded with meanings it’s just gibberish skewed to self-serving doublethink. Hal Duncan
Fuck, if only ‘aesthetic idiom’ didn’t sound so damn poncy. Hal Duncan
For some the label sci-fi is just a shortand for science fiction, an alternative to sf gesturing at ... you know, that stuff we like. Hal Duncan
Well, I myself, while sometimes unkempt by nights of drunkenness and debauchery, am quite convinced a man’s good character is marked by his impeccable attire. Hal Duncan
In that time while he was still aware, which was the worse, I wonder: the agony of his physical torture or the horror of their utter hatred, of their moral certainty that he was so beyond the bounds of what they could accept that he deserved not just a death but one of such brutality, such inhumanity, as would make the seraphs who burned Sodom bow their heads in cold respect? What is it like, I wonder, to learn the full capacity of hatred in a lesson hammered home with bone broken on wood and skin ripped on barbed wire? . Hal Duncan
So they watch over us like gods of old. Our patron sinners. Hal Duncan
All prejudice presents itself as piety, propriety. Hal Duncan