2 Quotes & Sayings By Good Life

Good Life quotes are the best inspirational short quotes for your daily motivation, motivation to succeed in your life, motivation to be successful and good life. Complete list of Good Life Quotes: Good Life Quotes: 1. The first step towards a better life is to love yourself better. 2. The only one who can make you feel worthless is you. 3. A poor person is someone who has no more than he needs Read more

A rich person is someone who has more than he needs. Rich people can afford to be generous because they have so much they do not need anymore. 4. Happiness is more important than money, for happiness itself is the ultimate form of wealth. 5.

If you want to lift yourself up, lift yourself up with others. 6. The worst thing that can happen to you is getting what you want: the satisfaction and joy of giving makes it worthwhile. 7. Don't waste your time on jealousy; envy will destroy your feelings of well-being and lead to bitterness and unhappiness; instead, be happy for those who seem lucky and help those who seem unlucky; this way you will be the one responsible for your own good fortune and happiness will come your way as a result of your actions and not because you were born into money or because fortune smiled upon you. 8.

Wise spending leads to wise saving and wise saving leads to wise spending, which leads to a good life. 9. You can never change a situation by taking a situation into change, that's just a joke! ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ Go For Success & Good Luck!