2 Quotes & Sayings By Gerhard Roth

Gerhard Roth was born in 1896, in Vienna, Austria. From 1922 to 1930 he wrote the science fiction series "Die Welt von Morgen", published by Julius Springer. In 1922, as a journalist, he joined the Austrian Association of Science Fiction Writers. He also wrote for various newspapers and magazines such as "The Review of Politics", "Der Querschnitt", and "Der Anstoß" Read more

He became the first permanent director of the newly founded Society for German-Speaking Science Fiction ("Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprach-Science Fiction") and later also the first editor of its monthly journal "Das Neue Vademecum". In 1925, he published his famous book "Hinter den Kulissen des Weltalls" (Behind the Curtain of the Universe). He had a great influence on many authors such as L.

Sprague de Camp, Robert E. Howard and H.G. Wells.