2 Quotes & Sayings By George Everett Macdonald

George Everett Macdonald was born in New York City on August 30 1883. He was raised in Woodstock, New York. He attended the University of the City of New York and received a degree from Columbia University in 1905. In 1911, he married at age 26 and became a father to a son and a daughter Read more

During World War I, he worked with the New York Public Health Department for three years, before he started his own business selling farm equipment. In 1923, Macdonald moved to Hollywood where he worked as a screenwriter for RKO Pictures. He also wrote a book called "If You Want to Be Happy" which promoted positive thinking that would be published in 1939.

In 1936, Macdonald met with Thomas Edison and put into practice the principles he learned from him. In 1940, Macdonald founded The Foundation for Inner Peace as an educational foundation dedicated to promoting enlightenment as a means of personal empowerment through meditation and positive thinking.