2 Quotes & Sayings By George Byron Gordon

George Byron Gordon was one of the most successful amateur writers in America. He was born in Grantville, Virginia to the late William H. Gordon, a prominent doctor in his day, and to Emma L. Gordon Read more

He attended the University of Richmond and graduated with a degree in journalism in 1867. He wrote poetry and short stories for newspapers throughout his early career and was known as one of Richmond's premier periodical writers. In 1881, he was elected city editor for the Richmond Dispatch.

He wrote extensively on Southern history and politics, including histories of Virginia's famed war of Northern aggression and of the Confederate States of America. His work earned him national recognition and he became known as a historian of note. He had numerous books published and received several national honors for his writing and scholarship.

His work is notable for its vivid descriptions and rich characterizations, which earned him numerous accolades from editors and readers alike.