3 Quotes & Sayings By Gary Russell

Gary Russell is an internationally recognized thought leader in the fields of business, technology, design, and human performance. He has worked with numerous world-class corporations and pioneered the use of virtual reality for training in the military and in the corporate world. He is the author of several books, including Ultimate Human Performance (with John Little) and The Secret (with Rhonda Byrne). He lives in Silicon Valley with his wife, three children, and three dogs.

Oh come on, smile. Lisa, Jack.. being bisexual is hardly a crime. Best of both worlds, isn't it?' And Ianto pushed her away. 'No, Gwen. No, really it's bloody not. It's the worst of any world because you don't really belong anywhere, because you are never sure of yourself ot those around you. You can't trust in anyone, their motives or their intentions. And because of that, you have, in a world that likes its shiny labels, no true identity. Gary Russell
Love. Passion. Belief. Duty. The lines blur sometomes. There are ove fifteen recognised mjor religions on this planet. One religion believes something different from another, and yet so often it's just the same thing with a different name, or a different form of worship, or a different headdress. But they will fight to protect what they believe in, no matter the cost. You've been here a while Jack. How many wars, how many lives squandered on religion. Then we get to science. Science versus creationism for instance. Two opposing stances on the same subject, neither of which has evidence to back it up. Gary Russell