3 Quotes & Sayings By Gary Cox

Gary Cox is the bestselling author of more than 30 books, including Beating Habits and Addictions. In addition to writing fiction and non-fiction, Cox has been interviewed by major media outlets throughout the world, including The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. He is a "New York Times" best-selling author and frequently appears on radio and television talk shows. His book "Beating Habit and Addictions" was featured as one of the Best Books of 2001 by "USA Today".

Part of being of a true existentialist is wanting to...
Part of being of a true existentialist is wanting to be what we make ourselves be by the way we choose to act, as opposed to making excuses for the way we act and regretting it. Gary Cox
To choose not to choose is still a choice for which you alone are responsible. Gary Cox