2 Quotes & Sayings By Fx Toole

F.X. Toole was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He moved to Southport, North Carolina at the age of three and later attended the St. Augustine School for Boys in St Read more

Augustine, NC. He was a member of the Navy for two years before leaving school at the age of seventeen to begin his first job as a newspaper copy boy for the Charlotte News-Observer. After being laid off from there he started writing for other papers in North Carolina—the Charlotte Observer, Raleigh News & Observer , and Greensboro Daily News—and continued to write freelance articles.

In 1953 he became an editor for WECT-TV in Wilmington, NC where he worked until 1954. He then went to work as a reporter for the Charlotte News-Observer until 1957, when he accepted a job with The Charlotte News as an editorial writer and columnist. Toole continued his freelance writing career while working there until 1961 when he became a full-time staff writer for The Charlotte News but left in 1964 to take over the editorial duties at The Evening News—a position that he held until 1967.

During his time at The Evening News Toole also taught journalism classes at St. Augustine High School in St. Augustine, NC where he taught classes on newspapers and how to write feature stories for newspapers as well as fiction short stories and poetry classes.

Toole’s first book The Midnight Cry was published in 1967 by St. Augustine Press, which is now St. Augustine University Press (SAUP).

SAUP also published his second book The Sleuth Next Door, which is now available online at www.fxtoolebooks.com/bookstore/books . Since leaving The Evening News Toole has worked as an editorial consultant and ghost writer for many clients including (but not limited to), Colliers Homes Magazine, The Carolinas Homes Magazine, The Fortnightly Newspaper Association, The New York Times Syndicate (now called Universal Uclick), Reader's Digest, William Morrow & Company., Prentice Hall College Division (now known as Pearson Education), McGraw Hill Higher Education (now known as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) , Oxford University Press (now known as Oxford University Press U.S.), John Wiley & Sons (now called John Wiley & Sons Australia), McGraw Hill Higher Education (now known as Pearson Education), and Prentice Hall Publishers (now known as Pearson Education). Currently Toole is working on a book about Napoleon Hill and "Think and Grow Rich"