8 Quotes & Sayings By Frances Densmore

Frances Densmore (1868-1939) was an American musicologist, ethnologist, and ceremonialist, best known for her recordings of traditional Native American music. She worked for the Bureau of American Ethnology for over thirty years, recording music. Densmore was a friend of anthropologist Franz Boas and joined him in his expedition to Alaska in 1896.

Dream Song:The heavens Go with me. Frances Densmore
Song after Battle:As the young men went by I was looking for him. It surprises me anew That he has gone. It is something To which I cannot be reconciled. Owls hoot at me. Owls hoot at me. That is what I hear In my life. Wolves howl at me. Wolves howl at me. That is what I hear In my life. -American Indian Songs Frances Densmore
Dream Song:In the heavens A noise, Like the rustling of...
Dream Song:In the heavens A noise, Like the rustling of the trees. Frances Densmore
Dream Song:As my eyes Search the prairie, I feel the summer in the spring. Whenever I pause The noise Of the village. Frances Densmore
Steam Lodge Song of the Sun Dance Ceremony:A voice, I will send. Hear me! The land All over, A voice I am sending! Hear me! I will live! Frances Densmore
Dream Song of Thunders:Sometimes I go about pitying Myself, While I am carried by the wind Across the sky. Frances Densmore
Song for the Puberty Rite of a Girl Named Cowaka:A poor man takes the songs in his hand And drops them near the place where the sun sets. See, Cowaka, run to them and take them in your hand, And place them under the sunset. Frances Densmore