5 Quotes & Sayings By Enigma

Enigma is an award-winning game company founded by Maarten Bijlandt and Michael Schade in 2000. The Enigma HQ is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berlin and Paris. Enigma's games are built on the Enigma Framework, which is available as an open-source game engine for games that require rich interaction and strategy. Enigma's game catalogue includes over 50 titles that have sold over 20 million copies worldwide.

Jericho lowered himself carefully to his knees. He covered his eyes and moved his lips like all the others, but he had no faith in any of it. Faith in mathematics, yes; faith in logic, of course; faith in the trajectory of the stars, yes, perhaps. But faith in a God, Christian or otherwise? Unknown
Officially it was almost spring but someone had forgotten to pass the news on to winter. Unknown