4 Quotes & Sayings By Emmoduro

Emmoduro is a popular online author that has been writing since 2015. She was born in United States of America. She has several books under her belt, most of which are fiction books. She is currently writing novels and other works for fiction, non-fiction, and children Read more

Human ia such that everyone leaves you to your fate during your darkest moments even those you could trust with your life. But in as much as you love and care for them you need to start cutting off all strings that tie you to them and groom those few that firmly stand by you through these times. And surely just as the sun set for the moon to rise, that same sun will rise once again and shine brighter than it used to be. Emmoduro
With great emptiness and a vacuum none can fill we push on through the shadows, complied to walk in the darkness and never allowed to appreciate it with the hope of a light unseen but we will still get there. Emmoduro
Society has made it that, is very hard to accept the evil within us but truth be told no matter how good an individual is there is always that lingering feeling to commit one sort of evil or the other. Emmoduro