2 Quotes & Sayings By Emerson Eggerichs

Emerson Eggerichs is an American television personality, motivational speaker, author, and the founder of "Emerson Eggerichs Personal Development." Eggerichs is also the host of "That's Incredible!" the longest-running weekly show on HGTV, where he shares his passion for helping people live their best life. His brand has become synonymous with life-changing personal development workshops which have helped over seven million people transform their lives. Emerson’s philosophy is simple. If you want to change your life, you need to change your thoughts Read more

He is the creator of the popular personal development program called Precision Nutrition where he focuses on setting people up for success by teaching them how to create permanent changes in their lives through making simple nutritional changes that will create a lasting difference in their health, energy level, and overall performance. Emerson hosts an online show called The Eggerichs Family Hour where he invites guests to share their stories.