16 Quotes & Sayings By Ella Leya

Ella Leya is a Youtuber and a young author. Her book "The Boy Who Made Everyone Cry" was published in summer of 2016.

Destiny is a stubborn maiden. She likes herself just the way she is. Ella Leya
Life is a desert of shifting sand dunes. Unpredictable. Erratic. Harmony changes into dissonance, the immediate outlives the profound, esoteric becomes cliched. And vice versa. Ella Leya
I desire to know you. Every breath of your heart, every fleeting look on your face, the rhythm of your joys, and the melancholy of your sorrows. Ella Leya
Something flickered in the distance, dressing the darkness in a soft veil of blue. Out of the blue came an explosion of sounds followed by the seamlessly expressed melancholy of Chopin’s “Ballade no. 1. Ella Leya
The external evils are nothing compared to the evils that we harbor in our souls. Ella Leya
Once upon a time, when the evil spirit of darkness reigned over the Land of Azerbaijan, hiding the sun inside his underground caves, When the orphan sky peered at the Caucasus Mountains from the black dome of sorrow, When the rain shed its tears of ice upon the barren earth… Ella Leya
Evil tempts every soul, but a weak soul tempts evil. Ella Leya
My eyes still swelled with tears, but my heart was dancing the lazgi. Ella Leya
Jealousy knows neither morality nor empathy. Ella Leya
Music is not in the notes but in what is between them. Ella Leya
My fingers traced the melody on an invisible keyboard–my usual way to connect with the music, to feel its emotions on my fingertips. I touched the keys softly, as if gliding my hands through water, but the musical notes kept slipping between my fingers like bubbles, waltzing away in the blue radiance. Ella Leya
The hurt is the place where the music enters you. Ella Leya
How easy to be free. How strong we are when we have nothing to lose. Ella Leya
By the time I turned fifteen, Communism had become my religion. Ella Leya
A knife wound heals, but a tongue wound festers. Ella Leya