2 Quotes & Sayings By Duncan Campbell

Duncan Campbell is a British entrepreneur and author. He was the founder of the first online newsletter business, E-Loan.com, which was sold to Citibank for £25 million in 1999. In 2001 he published two books - The Weekend Millionaire and The Secret Millionaire Manual, which was a #1 bestseller in the UK and the United States. In 2004 Duncan launched a new career as a motivational speaker and author Read more

Illegally, on his boat, The Mighty Falcon, he travelled around the Mediterranean giving speeches on leadership and entrepreneurship. He now runs a New York based company that teaches people how to become a motivational speaker without having to teach public speaking skills. Duncan has been featured on numerous television programmes including CNN's An Honourable Mention with John Stossel, CNBC Business News with Maria Bartiromo and CNN's Your Money with Soledad O'Brien.