10 Quotes & Sayings By Diane Ravitch

Diane Ravitch is the former Assistant Secretary of Education for Children, Youth and Families (1988–1991) and author of many books on education, including her widely acclaimed biography The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945 to 2000. She is also the author or coauthor of several other books, including Teaching as Leadership: A Guide for Principals (with John G. Singleton), One Teacher One Lesson: What Parents Need to Know about America's Schools (with Robert L. Shaffer), and The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education (with David Goodman) Read more

Diane Ravitch is a member of the board of directors of the New York City-based Fund for Public Schools, a national educational charity that supports innovative programs in education.

Congress and state legislatures should not tell teachers how to...
Congress and state legislatures should not tell teachers how to teach, any more than they should tell surgeons how to perform operations. Diane Ravitch
American Education has a long history of infatuation with fads and ill-considered ideas. The current obsession with making our schools work like a business may be the worst of them, for it threatens to destroy public education. Who will Stand up to the tycoons and politicians and tell them so? Diane Ravitch
Privatizing our public schools makes as much sense as privatizing...
Privatizing our public schools makes as much sense as privatizing the fire department or or the police department Diane Ravitch
We will continue to chase rainbows unless we recognize that...
We will continue to chase rainbows unless we recognize that they are rainbows and there is no pot of gold at the end of them. Diane Ravitch
Public education is not broken. It is not failing or declining. The diagnosis is wrong, and the solutions of the corporate reformers are wrong. Our urban schools are in trouble because of concentrated poverty and racial segregation. But public education is not ‘broken.’ Public education is in a crisis only so far as society is and only so far as this new narrative of crisis has destabilized it. Diane Ravitch
A historian tries to understand what happened, why it happened, what was the context, who did what, and what assumptions led them to act as they did. A historian customarily displays a certain diffidence about trying to influence events, knowing that unanticipated developments often lead to unintended consequences. Diane Ravitch
Sometimes, the most brilliant and intelligent minds do not shine in standardized tests because they do not have standardized minds. Diane Ravitch
Accountability makes no sense when it undermines the larger goals of education. Diane Ravitch
Testing is not a substitute for curriculum and instruction. Good education cannot be achieved by a strategy of testing children, shaming educators, and closing schools. Diane Ravitch