2 Quotes & Sayings By Coheed And Cambria

In 2002, guitarist/vocalist Claudio Sanchez and former lead vocalist/guitarist Travis Stever founded a band called Coheed and Cambria. The two played every show themselves—no bassist, no drummer, no second guitarist. They wrote all their songs together, and each time they played a show, the crowd would sing every word to every song. It was a rather big deal, as it took three years to record their first album Read more

In 2003, the band began touring relentlessly with their first-ever self-released EP, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3. A year after that, they released their second EP, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 4. In the winter of 2006, they followed up with their first proper album, Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness.