8 Quotes & Sayings By Charles Wright

Charles Wright was born in 1868 in St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from St. Louis University School of Medicine in 1892 Read more

During the 1890s, he was a member of the St. Louis Police Department, becoming Chief of Police in 1899. In 1906 he founded Wright's Detective Agency, which was one of the first private detective agencies to be established in the United States.

He later became president of the board of directors for the American Protective Association, a national law enforcement organization. Wright died in 1950 at age 83.

What makes us leave what we love best? What is it inside us that keeps erasing itself When we need it most, That sends us into uncertainty for its own sake And holds us flush there until we begin to love it And have to begin again? What is it within our own lives we decline to live Whenever we find it, making our days unendurable, And nights almost visionless? I still don't know yet, but I do it. Charles Wright
Snub end of a dismal year, deep in the dwarf orchard, The sky with its undercoat of blackwash and point stars, I stand in the dark and answer to My life, this shirt I want to take off, which is on fire .. . Charles Wright
Each word, as someone once wrote, contains the universe. The visible carries all the invisible on its back. Tonight, in the unconditional, what moves in the long-limbed grasses, what touches me As though I didn’t exist? What is it that keeps on moving, a tiny pillar of smoke Erect on its hind legs, loose in the hollow grasses? A word I don’t know yet, a little word, containing infinity, Noiseless and unrepentant, in sift through the dry grass. Charles Wright
Arrange your unutterable alphabet, my man, / and hold tight. / It's all you've got, a naming of things, and not so beautiful. Charles Wright
Our dreams are luminous, a cast fire upon the world. Morning arrives and that's it. Sunlight darkens the earth. Charles Wright
The music of memory has its own pitch, /which not everyone hears. Charles Wright
Meanwhile, the mole goes on with its subterranean daydreams, The dogs lie around like rugs Charles Wright