2 Quotes & Sayings By Charles Rafferty

Charles Rafferty is an author, teacher, entrepreneur, and the founder/CEO of The Rafferty Group. Charles was born in Ireland to a recently arrived Italian father and a mother from Galway. He spent his early life in the city of Galway where he completed his education in its renowned high school, Rockwell College. He later moved to the United States where he attended Florida State University then transferred to Washington University in St Read more

Louis for his graduate studies. Charles then earned his MBA from the University of New Mexico. After working for several years in various industries, including manufacturing and tourism, he founded The Rafferty Group (TRG) which has since grown into one of the largest and most respected full-service advertising and marketing firms in central Florida.

As an author, Charles has written two books: Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That The Poor and Middle Class Do Not! and The Top 4 Ways to Make More Money: Simple Strategies for Quickly Growing Your Business (in Any Economy). His books have been translated into multiple languages and are available around the world.