33 Quotes & Sayings By Calvin W Allison

Calvin W. Allison is a widely recognized and respected leader in the field of organizational communication and human resource management. He has worked in the areas of leadership and communication for over 40 years, and is a member of the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame. His published works include the runaway bestseller, The Art of Public Speaking.

Both wisdom, and generosity derive from God. And when one...
Both wisdom, and generosity derive from God. And when one submits themselves completely to Him, one soon becomes like Him: wise and generous. Calvin W. Allison
Morning dew upon the grass, glistening in the sun. Yesterday’s...
Morning dew upon the grass, glistening in the sun. Yesterday’s gone, tomorrow may come, but this day has begun. Calvin W. Allison
When a man is at his weakest is where he will find the greatest opportunity to become his strongest. Calvin W. Allison
The night has come and yet the light is still shining. A warmth is present and life is still great. No darkness can put out the light of truth. It remains forever. The heart is still full within the redeemed and love is always strong. Praise Jesus. Calvin W. Allison
Did you notice the light that lit up the entire world? Did you feel itsfascination pressing againstyour heart? While the tingling, vibrant emotion itprojected caught all the principles of love and handed down in a miraculous way all the valuesof life. Calvin W. Allison
Jesus is love. He is our hope. So love Jesus and be hopeful. Calvin W. Allison
Only Jesus can take care of the past. But we can help Him with the present. Calvin W. Allison
Take a step in the right direction and you will find your smile again. It will be there beaming by the light of God’s amazing grace. Calvin W. Allison
Jesus has paid the price to save and to set you free from the bondage of sin. All that you have to do is believe. It doesn’t take an immense degree of knowledge to believe. It doesn’t take a certificate of prestigious honor in the world of higher education to be accepted into the royal family of God. You just have to believe. Calvin W. Allison
Tim blinked his eyes a few times, and then crossed a leg over in an attempt to regain a composure that would cover any visible traces of destructive inclinations possibly stored in any mental compartments in his emotional vehicle. He trembled a bit after catching a presumed glimpse of unstableness in himself through the second person perception of himself that could have possibly been perceived by his supervisor. Calvin W. Allison
The narrow path of the righteous is an extremely difficult path to travel. The rough road to victory is a very challenging endeavor that pushes the limits of endurance. Enormous mountains of hardship, boisterous storms of adversity, and several other elements of confrontation are there in their various forms of operation to test our faith. So it’s very important for us to apply the word of our God to our lives, and believe it with unwavering faith. Then no form of adversity can keep us back from a successful advancement into a deeper progression where greater achievements are obtained. Calvin W. Allison
Don’t be crushed under the oncoming tide of adversity that moves in to test your faith. Make sure that your foundation is built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. Be ready for the storms of life and move forward in a confidence that cannot be shaken by the strong winds of hardship. Calvin W. Allison
You have got to build a firm foundation on the living word of God. You have got to study it, to store it in your heart, to gain the wisdom that it gives and apply it to your life. Calvin W. Allison
Fill your heart with truth so that the wisdom of Christ will flow fluently from you like a living river moving into the seeking hearts of the thirsty. Calvin W. Allison
Study God’s word to show thyself approved and be prepared for the tests that we are given. They make our faith stronger and our character more mature, so that our lives better glorify the Lord. Calvin W. Allison
When you have got the greatest mountain of hardship that you’ve ever faced to deal with, you also have the greatest opportunity to act on a stronger faith than you’ve ever acted on before. Calvin W. Allison
Great men must go through great pain The strongest storms The hardest rain The toughest climbs The roughest terrain Great men must go through great pain Calvin W. Allison
Are you hurting? Reach beyond yourself for comfort. Beyond the scope of your visual perimeter. Are you sad? Reach beyond yourself for joy. Beyond the limitations of the temporal. Beyond the boundaries of your five physical senses. Reach out to Jesus. Reach out by faith and be made whole. Calvin W. Allison
The wind stirs through the trees, it moves the leaves, and it sways the branches–and yet it is unseen. The sound of it is detected, the effect of it is noticed, and yet it itself is unseen. In a way that is similar: the Spirit stirs in the heart, it moves emotions, it sways the mind, and by doing so causes a physical response to occur that defies human logic, and transcends perception. Calvin W. Allison
The Intellectual Transcending Equation In Life:Occurrence Plus Perception Minus MaterialisticReasoning Divided By Nothing Equals SpiritualProgression, With A Remainder Of Blessings. Calvin W. Allison
The people inside were in intense worship; it seemed to Sarah like they were in another world or something. The pleasantness in the atmosphere drew her in. She felt welcomed, even though she had not been invited; noticed, even though she had not been seen; loved, even though she wasn’t known; and even though it didn’t make sense to her–it didn’t have to. Calvin W. Allison
Tess passed by the Church’s sign, and then made the turn right. Her expectations for a degree of improvement were met with passed echoes of indecisive hand claps from mental bodied insecurities that infiltrated her subconscious with a disruptive applause in an attempt to divert her focus from the road of progression by putting it back on her publicized devastations. Calvin W. Allison
Sometimes there are moments in life that defy human reasoning; unique occurrences that simply cannot properly be resolved with the natural mind. So it’s only when one reaches further than themselves, and out into the unseen realm of faith, that life’s most miraculous moments cantruly be discerned. For it is in these moments that God is making more known the reality of His existence; and more known to we who believe, the greatness of His power and love. Calvin W. Allison
The thoughts from a finite mind can at times be very similar to the clouds that move about over the surface of the earth. Both can cover a lot of ground, and can either disperse or increase in formation. Likewise–both are heavily influenced by the surrounding climate. Furthermore–a hard wind increases a fire’s spread, thunder proceeds a lightning strike, and when atmospheric water vapor accumulates, it produces clouds. Then, after an abundance of water has been condensed, the clouds will at some point release moisture; the rain/precipitation amount will range from the degree of abundance condensed. Similarly: an abundance of thoughts can also accumulate–eventually resulting in an overflow of emotion. The overflow can either be positive or negative–the determining factor relying on the characterization of the thoughts–whether they be positive or negative. . Calvin W. Allison
Thundering, roaring, are the storms of life. Momentary hardships that, unveiled, reveal a purpose beyond carnal reasoning. The pain can get intense, the hurt can be severe, but one must look beyond themselves for conclusive answers. One must not examine their situations using finite logic to try to discover the deeper meaning behind the circumstance or its outcome. One must look beyond the surface of their own intellect, and see through the walls of their own understanding. The blueprint of life has been masterfully designed in such a way, that all things–no matter how they may seem–have a purpose; and that purpose will ultimately bringabout a greater good overall. The spiritual realm is truly realities base; and it is from there that truth derives. The mystery of the storm is revealed–cause and effect–the past, the present, and the future. Calvin W. Allison
I am an author that likes to write in many different styles so to use the platform of expression to the absolute best of the ability that I have been given. Calvin W. Allison
You have to get off that finite road that you’ve created from your transitional standpoint and onto the path of light. Onto the infinite road of eternal existence, the firm foundation of truth. This is where the crooked becomes straight, the lost get found, the blind see, and the dead live. Where the tangible reasoning of logical man loses credibility and is proven unrealistic. Where faith becomes active and the world of the supernatural becomes obvious. You have to accept Jesus. Accept it, accept Jesus. . Calvin W. Allison
You were created in the image of God. The image of God. And it is only through God that you can find the true meaning of life. And it is only through God that you can truly find fulfillment. And it is only through God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that you can be saved. Calvin W. Allison
Change is difficult, but necessary for salvation. Turn from your sins and acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Let Him take control of your life. He won’t let you down. He’s not you. He’s God. Calvin W. Allison
(In response to a picture critic.) I'm actually a very joyful person. But being a genius with a photographic memory mixed with a strong case of OCD makes for a difficult picture sometimes. Calvin W. Allison
Peace comes by knowing you’re dearly loved by the Lord, Who gives to His children the Holy Spirit to dwell within, to make their witness strong, so that one day they will be as a tree, fruitful and blessed with the wisdom of the forest. Calvin W. Allison
In innocence everything has its truest meaning. Calvin W. Allison