2 Quotes & Sayings By Bv Larson

B.V. Larson is a poet, author, and professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. She is the author of two poetry collections, The Island in the Stream (University of Michigan Press, 2002), and The Water in the Pool: New and Selected Poems (University of Wisconsin Press, 2008). She has published in journals and anthologies and her poems have been included in The Best American Poetry 2000 and The Best American Poetry 2009 Read more

She also co-authored a nonfiction book for middle school students called Pronouncers: A Guide to Gender Pronouns for Younger Readers with Kathleen Anderson. Her poems have appeared in The Best American Poetry 2010, The Best American Essays 2008, Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century American Verse, Free Verse, Verse Daily, Nadir, Field, Ploughshares, Denver Quarterly, American Literary Review , and Monkeybicycle among others.