2 Quotes & Sayings By Atw

Alexander Tinworth is a professional writer and editor who has been contributing to the writing and editing communities for nearly two decades. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1997 with a B.A. in English. Starting in 1997, he was a contributing editor for Writer's Digest magazine, a publisher in the online world, a copy editor in-house with a large publishing company in Michigan, and was a copy editor in-house with a large publishing company in Florida Read more

He has been published in small press magazines, on Amazon.com, and in several anthologies. In 2007 he became an editorial assistant for Five Simple Steps, where his duties included creating news stories, creating social media content for multiple websites, and writing features for the blog. In 2009 he became an associate editor at Writer's Digest magazine where he continues to create articles for various publications.

He is currently an editor at MindTools.com where he writes articles on a variety of topics including anxiety management, productivity, and creativity enhancement.