11 Quotes & Sayings By April White

April White was raised in a small town in Kentucky near the Ohio River. She graduated from the University of Kentucky and the University of Tennessee. April is the author of romance novels and novelettes, as well as a popular blogger and journalist. She spends her time writing fiction and non-fiction, and blogging Read more

Do or Do Not. There is no Try. - Archer...
Do or Do Not. There is no Try. - Archer Deveraux April White
The power to compel is not the same thing as leadership, and one does inspire the other. You are not a leader, Walters, you are a bully and a coward of the worst kind. the fear you believe you inspire is merely the fear in which you constantly live, and it undermines the very leadership you profess to have. Strip a bully of his pulpit and he becomes a cowering, quivering thing.. You will never lose the fear because it defines you, and the very things you seek to annihilate will be those which ultimately destroy you. April White
Look around you at the people you've been taught to...
Look around you at the people you've been taught to hate, because hate is just a cloak that hides fear. April White
I'm a student of 'istory, which is a bit of the same thing. We learn it so we don't repeat it. Ye've seen things now that no one would believe, and ye'll 'ave to live with the knowledge. There's good in what ye've learned, but there's danger in it, too. It'll be the mark of yer character 'ow ye choose to use what ye know. April White
On this day, I give you my heart. I promise to be your lover, companion, and friend. Your greatest advocate and your toughest adversary, your comrade in adventure and your accomplice in mischief, and your ally in all things. I promise to communicate fully and fearlessly, and pledge my love, devotion, faith, and honor as i join my life to yours. April White
I turned to face her. "What about fear. Can you outrun it?"" Only if ye stand still and face it do ye have a chance against fear. April White
There is something that happens when you know that life is finite: a desire for greatness, for whatever fleeting moments of brilliance you can leave in the world after you're gone. And whether the end of your life is five years away or fifty, the fact that you just don't know is a great motivator for not waiting to begin that thing that could potentially be your legacy. Whether it's a work of art, or a scientific breakthrough, a good deed, or a child, leaving something of yourself for others to experience and remember is sometimes the greatest excuse to live a life that's more than just crossing the distance between birth and death. April White
One cannot trust a path, because the path is different for each person who takes it. One can only trust a person to choose the path that best represents their values and experiences. April White
Fear is the thing that shows a man who 'e really is. The 'ateful ones are pointin' fingers and layin' the blame because that's what they think it takes to survive. Those people 'ave always been there, but fear just shows the rest of us who they are, and because of that, they'll end up alone. April White
I don't know how to choose my purpose - that sounds to big and... significant. But I know who I am, and I've chosen the things that are important to me. I think the best decisions I make about what to do in my life come when I'm being true to both of those things April White