6 Quotes & Sayings By Andrew Roberts

A graduate of the University of Exeter, Andrew Roberts is a historian whose books include The Holy Fox: The Life of Lord Halifax (2003), Masters and Commanders (2007), Six Armies in Normandy (2008) and Napoleon: A Life (2011). He has written extensively on the life and times of Napoleon and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

His constant references to the ancient world have the effect...
His constant references to the ancient world have the effect of giving ordinary soldiers a sense of their lives. Andrew Roberts
No man is considered just and virtuous who does not know whence he came and wither he is going. — Napoleon Andrew Roberts
I am very happy to see the enemy wish to avoid our coming to him. — Napoleon Andrew Roberts
One of the chief values reading history, this is the author, is its capacity to "provoke renegade thoughts". Andrew Roberts
For a man who was to exhibit such acute political sharpness later in his career, Napoleon completely misread the revolution's opening stages. 'I repeat what I have said to you, ' he wrote to Joseph on July 22, a week after the fall of the Bastille, 'calm will return. In a month, there will no longer be a question of anything. So, if you send me 300 livres [7, 500 francs] I will go to Paris to terminate our business. . Andrew Roberts