2 Quotes & Sayings By Alexander Bell

Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922) was a Scottish-born American scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator, who is widely credited with inventing the first practical telephone. Bell's father, grandfather and great-grandfather had all been minister of the Kirk. Bell entered the University of Edinburgh at age 15, but his father could not afford to pay for his studies. After graduating from high school in 1868 he became an apprentice to Thomas Watson, a local watchmaker, who taught him to make jewellery Read more

He began to work on his own inventions in the evenings after he had completed his day's work. He built an electromagnetic device which could telegraph messages across water, but it didn't work correctly. In 1874 Bell came up with the idea of using electromagnetism to transmit speech instead of Morse code.

On March 10, 1876 he made the first successful communication between two buildings by wireless telegraphy when he sent a message from the top of Mount Auburn in Cambridge over 100 feet through space to the top of Boston's Back Bay Fens via a "harmonic telegraph" that used an electronic circuit based on his electromagnetic device.