2 Quotes & Sayings By Albert Ellery Bergh

Albert Ellery Bergh was an American writer, who wrote under the name "Albert Ellery". He was born in New York City on March 8, 1854. His father was a merchant in textiles, who died when he was nine years old. He completed his education at various public schools of New York City, majoring in Latin and Greek Read more

He studied law for two years at Columbia Law School, but did not graduate. He traveled to Europe in 1872 and lived in Italy for four years. On his return to New York he entered the business world as a traveling salesman for the National Dress Company.

He became interested in literature while his father was teaching him to read Shakespeare at the age of six. He had read Robinson Crusoe when he was eleven years old, and when he was twelve his father gave him a copy of Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn.