105 Quotes & Sayings By Akiroq Brost

Akiroq Brost is a writer and a musician. He writes mostly about the Japanese punk scene, but also writes about music in general. His journal has been published in various countries, including Japan, Germany, the USA, France, Spain and Finland. He has been called "the Japanese Richey" by the media for writing about his sensitive experience as an adolescent.

When you expect nothing and receive something, it's such a nice surprise. I'm not saying to be pessimistic. Just when it comes to other people, don't hinge your happiness to expectation and outcome. Don't make it tit for tat. Don't keep score. Don't expect or demand something back. Do the best you can. Work passionately towards your dreams. Be a good person. Liberate yourself from expectation so much that when something does happen: when someone does do something nice, you can be surprised. Celebrate in that joy. It makes it all the more fun when it comes unexpectedly! Expectations in relationships suck all the gratitude and appreciation out of everything. Beyond honesty, respect and basic decency nothing need be "expected". Let it occur naturally. Go with the flow. Whatever you end up with will be more honest and real. . Akiroq Brost
Your purpose will fuel your hope.
Your purpose will fuel your hope. Akiroq Brost
The world is waiting for you to seize the day...
The world is waiting for you to seize the day and make the most of it! Who knows what could be possible. Keep dreaming, keep hoping, keep believing, keep doing! Akiroq Brost
If being in a relationship never causes you any grief, consider that maybe while you might physically be ‘in’ the relationship; mentally and emotionally you may have ‘checked out’ of the relationship. Relationships take an active presence in order to actually ‘be’ relationships. You can’t ‘care’ without caring and caring isn’t just for sunny days. Akiroq Brost
It's simple: What you put in, is what you get...
It's simple: What you put in, is what you get out. Akiroq Brost
You are ruled by whatever you invest your time, energy and emotions into. Check in with yourself. What is taking up your time and energy? Where is the focus of your emotions? If there are not where you want them to be, course correct. Remember, whatever you give energy to grows. So grow everything good and beneficial that will also help bring you to a better space and frame of mind. Make the best of each day, of each moment. Give time, love and attention to those and that which you love. . Akiroq Brost
Don't let fear, or doubt creep in. Instead, let hope...
Don't let fear, or doubt creep in. Instead, let hope creep in. Start believing in yourself. Open your mind and heart to the possibilities. Akiroq Brost
Take your beliefs into your everyday life. Practice what you...
Take your beliefs into your everyday life. Practice what you preach. Self-observe. Correct. Try. Keep trying. Never give up. Akiroq Brost
If we need to compete with anyone, we need to...
If we need to compete with anyone, we need to compete with ourselves. We need to challenge ourselves to be a better version of ourselves. We need to challenge ourselves to do better every single day. Akiroq Brost
Be easy with yourself. Be gentle. Remember to be your own friend. We all make mistakes. We all say silly things now and then. It's also OK to change your mind. Don't replay the moments. Don't torture yourself with critique and negative self-talk. The expectation is not perfection, it's to keep moving forward. Keep trying. Keep learning and growing. You'll get a lot further with a positive attitude. Love will open and grow you. Love will encourage you. No one can love you more than you can love yourself. Be your own ally. Learn to help not hinder yourself. Akiroq Brost
Your drive and energy towards a goal is in direct accordance with your enthusiasm and desire for the outcome. If you feel your energy waning, if you start making excuses to not complete your tasks, it may be time to reevaluate your goals. It really helps to review your goals daily. It also really helps to spend time envisioning the outcome. A vision board can be a very useful tool to remind you what you are working so hard towards. Don't be hard on yourself if you happen to change your mind about what you want. Remember, every day we are changing and evolving. Who we were yesterday may have wanted something different than the person we are today. This is not unusual. Go with the flow. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams. Akiroq Brost
Change is never convenient. I'm talking about acceptance here. Don't be misguided into thinking change is going to be easy. If you're facing change then you're challenging a norm, your norm. You've adapted to that and now it's being challenged. It's being turned inside out and upside down. You may feel that can't quite find your footing. It's all foreign. You may feel lost in it, quite unsure of yourself, unsure of what to do, or how to do it. Don't worry. Everything new was once like this, and you made it through. You'll find a way. Have faith. Keep hope in your heart. If you want to get to the other side of anything you need to work through and endure change. It can be awkward and uncomfortable. Change is never comfortable. It takes time and patience. It takes self-love and acceptance. It takes grace and self-forgiveness. Take it one step at a time. Break it down. You'll make it to the other side. Akiroq Brost
Self-acceptance can be daunting at first, but it is made...
Self-acceptance can be daunting at first, but it is made easier with the understanding that self-acceptance is not hinged on perfection. Self-acceptance is the starting point. Akiroq Brost
Active-awareness combined with daily active-effort will compound to make a...
Active-awareness combined with daily active-effort will compound to make a significant difference. Akiroq Brost
I stopped caring about the appearance of the physical shell that is my body. Instead, I concerned myself only with the purifying and beautifying of my soul. I began feeding my heart all the good things: love, hope, courage and belief. I began caring for myself. I began loving myself. I began BEING MYSELF. The power of that was so great that I started to feel healthier, stronger, more energetic. I became healthier, stronger and more energetic and I CONTINUE to become healthier, stronger and more energetic. I came out of hiding, I started talking more, smiling more. I became braver, I felt safer, I built more trust and I took more risks. I risked reaching out, I asked for help from the universe, I asked for help from others, I began searching and grabbing at anything to serve this new purpose: this new path. I opened my mind. I began challenging everything, my thinking, my perspectives. Everything! It's not easy. There were and are moments where everything seems inside out and upside down. But! Amidst this chaos, I found BEAUTY. Beauty in everything around me, beauty in other people and even beauty in ME. Each and every day I feel more beauty. That openness, that growing awareness. That presence in the moment. The depth of being present. The depth of my experiences. The meaning! ! Finally, I am learning to live! I am ALIVE! This is my life! I am seizing it. It is mine. I am full of INFINITE POTENTIAL. What a beautiful, wonderful, amazing thing to discover! I am beautiful! . Akiroq Brost
You are your own sanctuary. Peace always comes from within. Find the things, the thoughts, and perspectives that allow you to cultivate peace within yourself. If you find your spirit disturbed, pull yourself back. Learn yourself. Learn how to manipulate and control your emotional state. Allow yourself to feel all your emotions, but with control, being able to choose when and where. Love yourself enough to create a safe haven of peace within yourself that you can then carry into any situation, into any storm. Akiroq Brost
Whenever you find your mind wandering to the past or future, pull yourself back into the present. Making peace, working through forgiveness of yourself and others over whatever happened in the past will help you to not revisit the past. Acceptance is an important tool when dealing with all that happened before the present moment. Remember, you cannot go back and change anything that has happened. Nothing at all. It was, what is was. You are here now, in the present, and as such, have the power to affect only the present. . Akiroq Brost
Be patient with your pain. Take the time you need. There is no rush. Be patient and loving with yourself. You deserve your own kindness. Akiroq Brost
When you feel annoyed, when you feel pain, that's when you have the opportunity to meet and confront yourself. It is when we are most emotionally volatile that we expose our true selves. Unresolved pain, frustration and grievance come to the surface. We can let this torment and torture us, pulling us to and fro, or we can use these moments to come face to face with ourselves. Why do we feel the way we do? Why do we feel compelled to act in a certain matter. Is this serving us? Are we serving our own best interest? Is there something we could do to help ourselves? Are we exercising compassion to ourselves and others? Don't be afraid to confront or question yourself. Remember to be extra loving, patient, forgiving and kind to yourself when you are emotionally volatile. Move gently forward in cooperation with yourself. Akiroq Brost
We rise, we fall. Life is a lesson. But, if not lived with the heart, holds no depth, no meaning. We must feel pain, to feel the joy, to feel the pain, and so on, so forth. It requires great courage. I try with all my mightto hold gratitude in the lesson. Thank you universe for showing mefor teaching me. Akiroq Brost
In everything you encounter in life you have a choice. Even if that choice is just in how you will react and move forward. The moment you become cognizant of your choices is the moment in which you also realize your own power. Choices equal power. You have the power to make things better for yourself. Even if it is just your mindset, which is actually a lot. Your perspective, your take on things, dictates your experience. Your quality of life is contingent on how you see things. Realizing that, is where the real power lies. You can make something from anything. . Akiroq Brost
I encourage you, to take control to take back your power. Make the time and effort to invest in yourself. Self-care and healing. Taking time for stillness and contemplation. Reflect on your own behaviour. Decide what kind of person you want to be and then take the steps to be that person. Akiroq Brost
A situation only has the power over us that we give it. We own the power over ourselves! We own that! No one else! When we realize that: we now have a CHOICE we can make, we can STOP giving that power away! Own yourself. Own YOUR power! Akiroq Brost
Keep going, keep going, keep going! You're going to have crappy days, you're going to have days where you lose vision or confidence. You're going to have those days were everything seems 1 step forward and 3 steps back. You're going to have unexpected chaos and turmoil. Are you going to let that derail you? No. You've made a firm decision to go after your dreams. That firm decision means to keep going no matter what. Life doesn't just stop and nor should you. You know you want something, that you truly want something, if you're willing to endure all the pain and grief along the way. You either make a decision or you don't. If you do, that means sticking by it. Riding it out. Don't give up. All things have good and bad. There is no easy street. Everything good takes work. If you want a better life, you have to work for it. Some days it will be easier work than others. Accept that. Work with it. Keep going! . Akiroq Brost
You're stronger than you think. Even if something pushes you to the breaking point, even if you may need to make a conscious effort to just cope: It's in you, to survive. It may help to break it down into smaller time segments. If you can try to just make it through the next minute, the next five minutes, the next half an hour. With each success, try and lengthen the amount of time. Carry the firm belief in your heart and mind that it will get better. Just that belief is so very strong. Just believing it will get better will have an influence. Sometimes, you'll push through just short spans of time, but as you do, realize that you are capable of doing it. You can do this. Look back at things that you have already gone through in your life and know you survived. You can survive this too. You are so strong. You are just having a challenging moment. It's not forever. You will get to the other side. Believe in yourself. Have faith in yourself. Never give up. It's not an option. Try and ask yourself: "How best can I get through this difficult situation? Is there anything I can do in terms of self-care?" Try to be very gentle with yourself. If you cry, accept it was just something that you needed to do. No judgment. In your most challenging days, make an extra effort to be that friend to yourself, you so need. Please, if you're facing a difficult time at least be nice to yourself. Take it one step at a time. Keep hope and faith alive in your heart. Believe it will get better. Do anything you can to help yourself through in the best way possible. You are stronger than you think. Akiroq Brost
It takes a lot of courage to be real and raw, to not hide or pretend, to reveal the real you, the true you. This life is yours, to live as you. Brave the courage. Akiroq Brost
Sometimes, all someone needs is for someone to believe in them. Be that person. Whether it is for yourself or for someone else. Sometimes, that is all the encouragement we need to brave our own courage. The one person you must believe in is yourself. Believe in your potential! Akiroq Brost
Your life is yours, not theirs. Your opinion of yourself, should also be yours, and not theirs. Sometimes, people can be so cruel and heartless. It can be hard to not be affected by it. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming. It can seem like the whole world is against us. In those times, it is crucial to remember that this is our life to live. No one but us can dictate how we should feel about things or even ourselves. Our opinion of ourselves only belongs to us, and no one else. No one can step into your shoes and live your life for you. By the same token, no one can tell you how you should feel. Be kind to yourself, be loving and compassionate. You are the one who is living with you. Work to make the relationship you have with yourself the best you can make it. It takes conscious, active effort, but it's worth it. You're worth it. . Akiroq Brost
Question everything, including your questions. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Why are you asking? Why are you asking in this particular way? Is it really the right question for the answer you are seeking? Are there additional questions you need to be asking? Don't be afraid to think outside of the box. Don't be afraid of creativity and innovation. Akiroq Brost
When you need help but refuse to ask for it, you are rejecting yourself. You're not even giving yourself a chance. You're not even giving anyone else a chance to help you. You started at a "No" and now you're stuck at a "No". Don't you want to push forward as much as you can? Don't you want to push forward to a better future and a better you? You can get so much further just by learning to ask for help when you need it. You can get so much further by learning to cooperate with others for your mutual interests. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help. Other people have the choice whether or not they will help you. At least give them that choice. Akiroq Brost
Thinking too much about the future, especially in terms of wants and desires, constricts us. First of all, it does little, if anything to achieve goals. Secondly, consider, that what you think you may want tomorrow may not actually be what you want tomorrow. You are ever-changing and constantly evolving. It’s OK to want better for the future, but don’t expect for the future. Just as introspection is very challenging, so is knowing what is in fact good or best for us and the path there. We may think we need to do things one way, when in fact, we may need to do them in a completely different way. . Akiroq Brost
You can, and you will. If you're going to carry any belief, carry one that empowers you. Believe in your unlimited potential. Akiroq Brost
You are powerful, you are unique, you are a gift to yourself and others. Akiroq Brost
You can, and you will. If you’re going to carry any belief, carry one that empowers you. Believe in your unlimited potential. Akiroq Brost
We can do so much if we just Believe in our own potential. Akiroq Brost
If you want to expand your perspective and learn something new, it will help if you can temporarily suspend your beliefs. Whenever we encounter something, our minds try to define an understanding based on what we already think we know. But sometimes, something new is so radical that to explain it in old terms would serve it a great injustice. If we are able to suspend our beliefs, and open our imagination, we might have the opportunity to travel to a whole new understanding or perspective. I believe that this is why the new and unknown can be so uncomfortable for us. We try so hard to hang on to the comfort of what we know regardless of how well that serves us. Dare to be brave. Dare to dream and imagine. Don't close yourself off from the new. Move forward with positive momentum, never stop learning and growing. . Akiroq Brost
You've got to be able to look at the mirror and smile at yourself. If you can't do that, you've got work to do. You have to learn to get along with yourself, to like yourself, to be proud of yourself. You've got to learn to celebrate yourself. You need to be able to love yourself before you can ever appreciate anyone else who does. You're worth it. Put the work in to have the best relationship with yourself that's possible. . Akiroq Brost
The more actively engaged you are in the present moment, the more aware you will become of yourself; your actions and reactions. As you become more aware, you will increase your ability to change what it is you do and how. Akiroq Brost
Realizing and truly accepting that we are constantly evolving, that everything and everyone around us is also constantly evolving helps us to understand things. We have no way of predicting the future. What is right/wrong for us now, may not be right/wrong for us tomorrow because we and everything is constantly changing. We are free to make decisions with the knowledge that there is no exact correctness by which we can make a decision. It’s ok if the decision doesn’t work out, in fact, that will happen. It’s also ok to change our mind. There is no shame in changing our mind. What was right for us yesterday may just not work for us anymore . Akiroq Brost
Seek to learn. See to learn. Akiroq Brost
You are what you believe. Akiroq Brost
Silence speaks volumes, especially is you're quietly listening. Akiroq Brost
We are inspired only when we seek to be inspired. Then inspiration can be found in everyone and everything. Akiroq Brost
The perfection is the journey and the journey is one of learning Akiroq Brost
If you look at the world with eyes that wish to learn, you will see lessons everywhere. Akiroq Brost
Meditate,  Clear,  Calm,  Center,  Ground, Empty your mind, Stillness. Be receptive to a new approach. Believe in the possibilities of new opportunities. Akiroq Brost
Trust yourself. Believe in yourself. Listen to your inner voice. Don't second guess yourself. Learn to listen to your inner guidance. Akiroq Brost
Life is a lot easier when you make peace with yourself. When you forgive yourself. When you stop tormenting yourself over the past or things you have no control over. When you live in acceptance of who and what you are instead of fighting with yourself every day. Loving yourself is vital. Love will heal your heart and the relationship you have with yourself. When you find peace with yourself, when you learn to love yourself everything in your life will be so much easier. You will have a stable place to work from. You will have a home within yourself. You will have a greater inner strength you can draw from. Make peace with yourself first. Akiroq Brost
Love comes from within, respect comes from within, acceptance comes from within, forgiveness comes from within; reach inside for Your Truth and find your Royalty. Akiroq Brost
Challenge yourself to do things you’ve never done before. Your success lies not in perfect outcomes, but in braving the courage, in believing in yourself enough to just try. There is absolutely no shame in making mistakes, or even falling on your face. It’s all part of being alive and being a human being. Don’t be discouraged to try again or to try something new. Keep expanding your experiences, keep growing. This life, this day is short and waiting for you to seize it! Carpe diem!. Akiroq Brost
The single biggest thing I’ve done to improve my relationship with others, was to improve the relationship I have with myself. I became lovable when I was able to love myself. No one can love you, if you don’t love you. Accept, nurture and love yourself as you are. You’ll be amazed how much it will also change how others perceive you. Akiroq Brost
Act, think, do, according to your truth, according to who you are, and who you want to be. Congruency matters. How can you escape when you betray your heart, your passion, your needs and your mind? There is no hiding. It will eat you alive. Even if it is difficult, even if it may seem impossible, stay true to yourself. No one can live this life but you. If you live your life solely for others but never for yourself, you will impair your ability to truly help others. Whatever is within us always seeps out through our words, actions and behaviour. If we sabotage ourselves by doing what we may think we are supposed to, according to others but not according to our own hearts, what will our children and loved ones think? What are we showing the world when we betray our very nature? Will others think this is an act of love or self-love? Worse still if others then attempt to mimic it and do the same. Would you want your child deeply unhappy because they were following what they thought they had to, what was expected? If you wouldn't wish that for your child, then don't wish it for yourself either. Be just as loving and caring to yourself as you would be to those you love the most. Learn to love yourself enough to allow yourself to dream, explore, follow your passions, and even risk failure. Follow the truths that are carried within the heart of your soul. . Akiroq Brost
When you judge yourself, chances are you also are judging others. True self-acceptance releases you from both. Akiroq Brost
In order to accept yourself, you must first have some sense of who you are. Akiroq Brost
Self-love is crucial for the betterment of our lives and for a higher quality of life. Akiroq Brost
I laugh at myself. It's so important to laugh at yourself. Have a little heart chuckle, cry a few tears. It's OK! Don't apologize for being you. Just be you. Be true to who you are and who you want to be! Akiroq Brost
Life is short. Things can change very suddenly. Make the best of every situation. Look for the silver lining. Maintain a positive mindset. Remain optimistic. Never give up hope. Savor every day you are given. Live with gratitude. Appreciate even the smallest things. Genuinely do the best you can, and once you do, don't dimish this by undermining your efforts by whatever limitations you face. Acceptance can be hard at times, but it is necessary to keep moving forward. In order to deal with situations as they come in the best manner possible, we must let go of things we have no control over. Energy must go towards the here and now. Be cognizant of your blessings, of how precious life is. Live with gratitude and appreciate every moment. . Akiroq Brost
You are not who you say you are but rather what you do. Look at what it is that you do. If you don't like what you see: decide what you would like to see instead. Make those changes. Realize your potential. Harness your power. Seize every opportunity and do what it is that allows you to be true to yourself. Don't deny yourself your path. Only you can decide. Only you have that power. Only you are living your life. Akiroq Brost
Take full responsibility of yourself, of your actions and of your inaction. It is only when you can truly and honestly face yourself that you can make any changes for the better. If you had a hand in it then you also have a hand in what you do going forward. Act on what you can do. Don't fret or stress over that which you can't control. Don't assign your responsibility as blame to others. Don't allow others to assign their responsibility as blame on to you. Be fair with yourself and others. Focus on positive momentum. Don't speak cruelly to yourself. Don't berate yourself. What is done is done. Focus instead on what you can do now, in this moment, moving forward. Empower yourself into change and betterment. It is up to you to advocate for your highest potential. That is the work you must do. . Akiroq Brost
What matters most right now, is what you do next. Akiroq Brost
The next time you find yourself getting angry, ask yourself: Is this really something I want to give my time and energy to? Will doing so make any positive impact? If your answer is no, consider redirecting that anger-energy as soon as possible! Find something to do that will feed your soul, fuel your fire, passion and creativity. Find something that will bring something new and positive to this world. Akiroq Brost
The joy is in the climb. Appreciate the process. To build or perfect anything takes time and effort. That time and effort adds value. Embrace the journey. Akiroq Brost
Your life. Your choices. People will give you endless opinions on how you should live your life and who you should be. Don't allow them. Don't listen. This is your life. Akiroq Brost
Replace a bad habit with a better one. Instead of trying to "break out of a habit", try to use the trigger or cue to initiate a different action. Find something better, healthier, to replace the habit. This will be a lot easier than trying to force yourself to do nothing when you feel very compelled to do something. Left unchecked this is why we often see one bad habit turning into another bad habit. Take charge by deciding ahead of time what you will replace with what. Keep track. Celebrate your victories. Strengthen and empower yourself. By repeatedly doing this over and over again you will weaken the association between the trigger/cue and the old habit. At the same time you will strengthen the association between the trigger/cue and the new habit. This is very important. Some people believe the solution is to try to avoid the trigger/cue, but avoidance does nothing to prepare you in the event you fall into that scenario accidentally. It's like preparing for the worst, not by being pessimistic, but by being proactive. The first step to change is believing it could be possible. The second is action. Inaction leads to chaos. It pays to be prepared. Believe you are strong! You are bigger than your problems and your fears. . Akiroq Brost
Our body hears whatever is in our minds and responds. Akiroq Brost
Our body hears whatever is in our mindsand responds. Akiroq Brost
Our body hears whatever is in our minds and responds. Akiroq Brost
Holding the space for yourself: Embrace the here and now. Embrace the journey. Try not to judge yourself but rather try to accept yourself as you are. Success is measured in staying on the path, not in how many successes or failures you've had along the way. Let gratitude fill your heart, live with love, laugh and enjoy the journey. All of life is a journey. Akiroq Brost
Gratitude washes all of my worries and my stress away. Akiroq Brost
Apathy is the opposite of caring. If you’re apathetic towards something, then it isn’t something you want. Akiroq Brost
Listen to what flows from your own mouth. Is it really the message you intend to give? Is it coming out the way you want it to? Is it being received the way you hope it will be? Akiroq Brost
If what you want doesn’t occupy space, time and energy in your life. If it doesn’t involve some frustration, exasperation, anger, sadness, or fear; then I dare say: It’s not real! It’s a fairy tale! Akiroq Brost
The next time, you say that you want something, watch your behavior. If you try to cop out of doing what it takes, if you hide behind excuses, if you just don’t want to do what it takes then perhaps reconsider: Is what you think you want actually something that you do in fact want? Akiroq Brost
If you want something, then you also want everything that comes with it. If you don’t want what comes with it; then guess what?! You really didn’t want it in the first place! Akiroq Brost
Life is a one shot deal, it is entirely up to you what you do with it. Me? I intend to make it the best I can, for as long as I can. Akiroq Brost
We make time for what's important and what's important should include what we love. One life worth living! Akiroq Brost
Your traits are not good or bad. What you do or don't do with them is what determines the result. Give your traits a useful role. Recognize and utilize all parts that make up you. Love and empower yourself as you are. Akiroq Brost
You can believe whatever you will, as long as you realize: it was your decision! Akiroq Brost
I believe we are the ones who hurt ourselves the most, by how we receive, by how we perceive. Akiroq Brost
Your thoughts are your truth, so make them good, be good, do good. Akiroq Brost
Do what you feel is right and good. There will always be haters and naysayers..and their problem..is just that..their problem! Akiroq Brost
Live your life with a Burning Passion, with an Unquenchable Thirst for knowledge and wisdom. Akiroq Brost
Live with a pure and open heart and mind. Quiet all the rest. Our biggest obstacle was always ourselves. Thoughts that come from a place of love: are never wrong. Akiroq Brost
To be conscientious. You must first be conscious. Akiroq Brost
Everything is a choice and we can always choose to come from a place of love. Akiroq Brost
Remember, no one can read your mind. People’s actions or lack of, are not always purposeful. If you have a problem that you wish solved, you must communicate it. If you don’t want to communicate your problem, then you also give away your right to worry, stress or complain about it. You are accountable for yourself. Akiroq Brost
Worry about your own neck. Don’t waste time worrying what others may or may not think. If someone is rude, if they disrespect you, recognize that this is an issue with them and not you. Don’t let it change how you behave. Be the same kind, loving and compassionate person as always. Don’t fuel the negativity. Always strive to carry peace in your heart, wherever you go. It will help to keep you in a positive frame of mind. Akiroq Brost
Let go of all the drama, all that is superficial, all the worry over things you have no control over. Let go of the past. Don't lose yourself in competing and comparing yourself with others. Don't lose yourself in consumerism, in greed, in the acquisition of wealth. What matters the most is that you live. That you live as you, that you live IN your life as your genuine self. Don't put off living. Don't wait until the end of the day to enjoy a couple of hours of life. Don't wait until retirement. Be in whatever it is you do. If you can't, then make every effort to change what it is you do. Whatever you do, do it with care, concern and love. Don't over-complicate your life. Keep it as simple as you can. Do what you love as much as possible. Love what you do as much as possible. Love yourself. Appreciate yourself. Appreciate every drop of life you receive and make the most of it by not shying away from life. Life is meant to be lived. Don't forget to live. Akiroq Brost
Life is simple. It is meant to be lived. Don't over-complicate things. Don't lose your life in the things that don't matter. Akiroq Brost
Don't let fear cripple you and keep you from trying new things, changing things, exploring and living a life of adventure. Be courageous, be brave. A whole life is out there just waiting to be lived. Don't wait until it is too late. Seize the opportunity and seize the day. Don't allow yourself to get caught in regret by limiting yourself and your life. Life passes by very quickly. Make the most of every day! . Akiroq Brost
Don’t try to avoid criticism. If you do nothing, you will be nothing. If you do only the parts you really love, you will also be nothing. It takes what it takes. It takes all of it. Own it, accept it, embrace it and do it. Want all of what you want! Akiroq Brost
Enjoy things for what they are, when they are, in the moment. Akiroq Brost
We all encounter things that we can't perhaps change and that's OK because surely there are many other things that we can. Akiroq Brost
Don’t just to avoid criticism. If you do nothing, you will be nothing. If you do only the parts you really love, you will also be nothing. It takes what it takes. It takes all of it. Own it, accept it, embrace it and do it. Want all of what you want! Akiroq Brost
Don't let the opportunity pass you by. Act! Do something now. Some chances never come again. Seize the moment. Seize the day! Live to the fullest. Live to YOUR fullest potential. Akiroq Brost
The gift of a new day brings with it hope and potential. It is up to you to seize it. Do you recognize what an incredible gift it is to be alive for another day? Another entire day! How will you spend it? What will you do? More importantly, what will your attitude be? How will you spend this gift? I hope you will use it wisely, with gratitude and joy in your heart. Use it to spread love and kindness, use it to make a difference, use it with joy! Carpe diem!. Akiroq Brost
Don't apologize for doing what you thought was best. All you can ever do, is your best. Even if that doesn't work out, don't diminish your efforts. Don't diminish your intent. Don't apologize for being human. Don't take on guilt that isn't yours. We are all growing, learning and evolving. Take the lesson forward. Akiroq Brost
If you're struggling with problems or issues and you don't take the time to look after yourself, this will affect your ability to do well for others. Everything will suffer, your interactions, your relationships and the things you set out to do. It is necessary to take rest when you need it, to look after yourself, to keep yourself healthy, and to take some reprieve. Taking the best care of your health that you can is vital. There is no shame in looking after yourself! Being at the best you can be will allow you to give your best. It is not noble or loving to constantly sacrifice your well-being for that of others. People who love you would never want that from you. It hurts everyone involved. Take care of yourself first! . Akiroq Brost
Our behavior, our feelings, our self-worth, our abilities, and our actions are never hinged to that of another.- Akiroq Akiroq Brost
Confront your fears. Find their root. Educate yourself. Reach out for help. Defeat your fears or they will defeat you. Never give up. Akiroq Brost