3 Quotes & Sayings By Akhil Shah

akhil shah is a popular blog writer who writes about various topics in the world of science, technology and psychology. He has been a full-time blogger for the past four years and a part-time blogger for about a year. He currently works as a software engineer at a financial services company in Bangalore. He is married to his wife, Reshma Shah, and they have two children - Shaan Shah and Sunay Shah Read more

He has been a fan of computers from his childhood and his interest in computers grew from there.

She is like the white skies, the shine, the sun...
She is like the white skies, the shine, the sun and its rhyme. While he is the darkness that blinds, the moon, the wolf in mysterious confines. Akhil Shah
I was certain of the uncertainty thatlied ahead which made you A risk, A mystery, And the most annihilating thing I have ever known. Akhil Shah